[i]A happier time, Broken memories[/i] A family picnic, laughing and making fun as families do. Molly used to be able to remember the day clearly but now there was only darkness, screams and blood when she tried to think about the time before all this. Probably some kind of PTSD but nowadays there were no counsellors, maybe that was why she'd started smoking. Ha, mom would hate me for it Molly thought to herself, a momentary smile fleeting across her tired face. She had no idea where Mom or Dad were but still she held onto hope they were still alive and most of all she wished her little brother was safe. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [b][color=f49ac2]Molly - road - Casey [@QT][/color][/b] The noise of a car engine a ways behind her drew Mollys attention. "Shit shit shit" She swore and paused for a second as thoughts raced through her head. It had been a bad idea to walk up the road Molly told herself, why had she gotten so used to not expecting other people to be around? Too late now it, he, Molly corrected herself was less than a hundred metres away and.. flashing the car lights at her? That's a good sign, the stranger could easily have shot me or run me over. [color=f49ac2]Raising a hand and full of trepidation, she waved hello.[/color]