[center][h1][b][color=ACA7D3]5[/color][/b][/h1][/center] The man, Jack, left eventually. Amber followed him best she could through the louvers – that is after she picked herself up off the floor - and sure enough, as suspected, he entered the Greenfalls Inn across the street. As she watched the door shut behind him, she instantly felt bad, but at least the voice in her head had shut the hell up. That damn inner voice, always seemed to turn up when least welcome. Not that it was every really welcome. Eventually, the guilt became too much, unreasonable even. She had turned people away from her shop before, but never had it played on her mind as much as this. She felt so bad that she decided not to trade at all that day. She just didn’t feel like facing anyone, and she sure didn’t want to take the chance of Jack returning. That would be embarrassing. She did, however, find it completely noble and reasonable in some undefined way to go find him at the Inn and apologise. After tightening the laces of her bodice and slipping on her outdoor boots, she left her house and headed for Greenfalls Inn with a pronounced stride of determination.