By luck or convenience, the appearance of Michael Ongi and Da-Xia had spurred two others to join. The question of party composition came up, to which Hyun-jin had replied in earnest. [color=a187be]"Swordsman through'n'through."[/color] With a sudden arm around his neck, a startled Hyun-jin let out a womanly shriek before almost breaking his neck to see who spooked him. An odd woman, of course. Almost instantaneously, he took three large steps away from the woman, coughing as he hid his flush face with a wayward glance and fist in front of his mouth. The young Diver was obviously not good with women. Close encounters of the feminine kind were not his strong suit. Surprisingly, the blue-haired gunner's call for the blondie actually worked. Heeding that call, the blonde woman actually came over to join and fill out the party. Your-Girl introduced herself as a holder. Still, they weren't rare enough to attract the awe of most seasoned hunters. Having a holder on the team was definitely a plus. With finally getting the amount of members. [color=a187be]"Specifics are a bit above the pay. More theoretical and requiring of a doctorate to get most of it. I guess it's easiest to say that we're entering the night city trying to stab a thing with another thing and measuring what comes out. For 6250 credits a pop, of course. Anyways, anything more is pretty confidential, so here."[/color] After rifling through his pockets, Hyun-jin handed the four of them a strange business card. Printed on a single piece of transparent plastic, the name [i]TK GROUP[/i] was laser etched alongside an address. The name was familiar to most hunters; many of the high-end, prohibitively expensive upgrades that Cross Gears had possessed that name stamped onto the side. [color=a187be]"We'll reconvene at this place tomorrow at 'bout noon so you can be briefed on the more fine matters of this job and get a lift there. Ride there in a plane, too. So uh, get ready today I guess. Oh, and advance pay of 400c when you file the paperwork for the job,"[/color] he said the last bit moving his head towards the receptionist. [hr] The research district was always a sight to behold. Between high-rises made of glass and actually clean streets, there was no place that made divers feel more out of water. Here, people wore tailored suits and applied product to their hair. Between all of the science and fashionable youth, it was hard to say. The TK Group's office, at least in this city, was no different. A twenty story high-rise, it was about as pristine as could be. Its lobby was filled with chairs and seating, but appeared to be closed for the day. The door, however, was unlocked. Save for two figures inside, it was devoid of any activity. A familiar face and an unfamiliar one: Hyun-jin and [url=]a smoking woman with dyed hair[/url]. Hyun-jin was remarkably more excited, pacing around by himself. The woman, however, was simply waiting with a cigarette in her hand that aimlessly drifted its smoke upwards.