[center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] The Genesis Engine makes a short jump from the Coruscant system, leaving the storm still raging by itself. In time, the storm would dissipate naturally, but not before hurricanes ravaged the cityscape. My space station flies deeper into the galactic core towards Tython. I half turn towards Hayden. “Soon we will reach the homeworld of what remains of the Jedi Order. As we speak, they gather at their temple to mourn the loss of their former Grand Master, Satele Shan. A perfect opportunity to strike, wouldn’t you say?” [center][h2] Hayden Twilight [/h2][/center] “A perfect opportunity for you to die, you mean. The Jedi will sense you’ve come. Your little thunder storm trick only works once.” [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] I chuckle wickedly. “The Jedi, as always, are too wrapped up in themselves to notice the world around them. Plus, you should know by now how skilled I am at hiding my presence from others. And as for the thunder and lightning... you’re right. That gets old fast. I had a better idea.” I kneel down before Hayden. “You are going to use your power, and drain this planet of the Force.” [center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] I bark a laugh. “Even if I was willing to do as you say, I’m not nearly powerful enough to drain a whole planet. Without the Tempest Eye, such a thing is impossible without lengthy rituals.” [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] “Oh, I have the Tempest Eye, or at least part of it. The important part.” I hold up the Orb. “This device channels the power of the Force. It is what allowed me to amplify by Force Lightning to destroy Coruscant. It is what will amplify your ability to drain the Force from others. The half that Zar’kun Je’and has is the storage unit, but we can make do without it. The power we drain will be stored within YOU.” [center][h2] Hayden Twilight [/h2][/center] “Good luck. I drained one Jedi Master and it nearly killed me. I could never do a whole planet even if you forced me.” [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] “You are far stronger than you know. There may be pain, but someone such as yourself, a natural conduit for the Force, will not die. Quite the opposite, you will become far more powerful than any Jedi or Sith you have ever known. More powerful even than Emperor Vitiate.” [center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] “I doubt that... you would never allow me to become that powerful.” [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] “I would if you joined me willingly. Think about it; we could become the New Sith Triumvirate. I, Darth Trayus, as the Lord of Betrayal.” I gesture to Gendry, who is standing off to the side, breathing raggedly through his layers of bandages. “Gendry, my Lord of Pain. And you, Hayden, as the Lord of Hunger.” [center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] “I might not know much of history, but I know the ancient Sith Lords well enough. Darth Nihilus was barely a phantom, consumed by his insatiable hunger. He was cursed by his own power. I have no desire to be like him whatsoever, so to hell with your new Triumvirate and to hell with you!” [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] I stare at Hayden for several seconds. As we exit hyperspace, I sigh. “Very well. If you will not be turned...” Without finishing my sentence, Kreia steps out of my body and rushes into Hayden’s. Her residual power continues to sustain me, but I can feel myself weakening without her. Hopefully this wouldn’t take long. [center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] I am all at once overwhelmed. I can feel my own consciousness being pushed down, and something else taking over. I struggle with everything I have to keep focused and fight back, but despite everything, I can feel my hands reaching out to grasp the Orb from Sucal’s hand. As I look out the window towards Tython, I feel a vibration in my fingertips, and the familiar yellow glow begins to emanate from them. I can almost see the Force aura around the planet slowly reacting to me; first as a ripple, then as a cyclone of invisible energy being sucked into my hands. In the back of my head, I can hear hundreds of voice crying out in pain and terror, then suddenly silencing. Jedi, Flesh Raiders, and animals of all sort, all dying simultaneously.”