For Adept and future Adept players, here's something important I added [quote] One way for an Adept to discover their ability is to get taught how to do it from another Adept. The main way they can discover their abstraction is known as a [b]Kindling-Event[/b], basically a vision of the past or future. If they undergo an event in which they experience a strong emotion that corresponds with their color (Say a person with Blue lux feeling sorrow, a green Lux feeling joy, and so on) they will receive one of two visions. One of the main visions they'll receive is one of the people who passed down the connection telling them of their heritage and their abilities and how to utilize it. This person can be anyone in their bloodline and can be more than one person talking to them, as the Lux is passed down from one person to the next like a chain. The only stipulation is that the person is always deceased, as they will be speaking to the phantasm of that person. The other, rarer and vaguer is a vision of the future (or possibly, of another version of themselves) casting and using Lux.[/quote]