Aron nodded at Angus's words [color=00aeef]"Got it."[/color] before he could follow after him though, Orchid called out to him and passed him her shortsword. Giving the sword a small twirl he grinned at her [color=00aeef]"Thanks, I already feel much better about our chances."[/color] and stepped into the hall just as Angus ripped of the other cell's door as well. The sound of a child cries became even more pronounced and Aron longed to do something, but one of the other prisoners was already comforting her and Orchid was already filling them in on the escape while Angus chatted with the grown tiefling prisoner. He would be more useful keeping an eye out for when their jailers make an appearance. Which happened sooner than he thought it would - he's almost impressed by their reaction time. As he scanned his surroundings, his eyes landed on a metal door - most likely the exit - 25ft away from where they were standing, with small viewing slits, through it he saw a person staring wide-eyed at them. The door closes, tapping noises came from the lock's direction. The door was undoubtedly about to be locked and it was with that realisation that Aron found himself darting forward [color=00aeef]"Oi!"[/color] only to be surpassed by Angus as he rushed pass. That makes three doors ripped from their hinges within minutes of each other. Who needs keys with a Dachaigh Highlander about? Orchid didn't waste any time either, quickly hauling him into the prison cell area and slamming him into the wall. His companions seemed to have things handled, so Aron quickly moved over to the felled door and pulled it upright back into the doorframe, it would still be easily knocked over with a light push, but at least any passing patrols wouldn't immediately be able to tell that a prison-break was taking place while they were still interrogating the man. That done, he posistioned himself in front of the door, keeping watch through the slits in the door, only briefly looking behind him to cheerfully add to Angus and Orchid's threats. [color=00aeef]"Cooperating really is in your best interest, you saw what happened to the doors after-all, just think what can be done with limbs."[/color] [hider=Rolls and information] Rolling strength to move the door: [url=]20[/url] [/hider]