Oh for crying out loud, you have got to be kidding! Not a single one of them died to the last shots or traps that had caught and ensnared them! Amstein snarled in anger as she continued to observe the [i]Nazi scum[/i] in telescopic mode. The woman in the minefield used a stand that seemed to have limitless gun barrels and blasted her minefield, which seemed to… Turn them all to stone? That was one she absolutely couldn’t allow to get within firing range whatsoever. The smokescreen woman had somehow created a freaking [i]tank[/i] so of course the tripwires and grenades didn’t mean anything to her anymore. But that didn’t mean there was no hope. She had freed the large man from his skin-net, forcing Amstein’s bullet to miss, but in doing so Shoot to Thrill analyzed and caught sight of how that stand worked. Moreover, the large man definitely had a stand of his own, and Amstein almost missed it. Some sort of insect sized robotic stand, easy to see how she had missed it before now, but thanks to the field of view being clear enough for her to use the zoom mode it was now revealed. A bullet couldn’t do a damn thing to it she knew, only a stand could defeat a stand and hers had no offensive capability to it. But a bullet could easily kill the user. The main problem there was the tank and the other stand users that could defend the user of the little bug machine. Easily solved, she smirked. Naturally, despite the sheer amount of bullets that petrification stand could put out, it wasn’t going to hit [i]every[/i] mine, and she planted more than just that field. The timing on this needed to be just right… The tank rolled up into a mine, which went off and destroyed its bottom, rendering the tank useless. Now was the time to strike, when the stand user would play that recording again! The shot was lined up and she pulled the trigger! A bullet left the chamber, heading straight for the vinyl disc as the stand was about to slot it into its built in gramophone. Then it continued on its way, striking off the surface of a tree and rebounding to hit another mine in the ground near the petrification stand user, setting off another explosion. With that done, she narrowed her eyes on the large man with the bug stand. His stand was long gone, probably having invaded her fortress by now. There was nothing to do about it but take out the user before it had a chance to ruin her. [i]BANG. BANG. BANG.[/i]