[center] [h2]The Silver Piglet[/h2] Malstom Republic of Laith, Samare Spring, Archor 22 - Igni Early afternoon, clear weather [/center] [hr] The armoured figure tilted it head slightly as Jack excused himself, but gave a small polite nod as he left the table, showing little reaction to the loud cursing that occured moments later, though when he returned to accept to the offer the knight sat upright just a bit more, seeming happy with having at least one person on board so far. Then, Victoria and the other Half-Beast agreed to join as well, and the figure nodded once more. [color=9BADAE]"It is good to hear that you are willing to partake in this, and I shall adress your questions and concerns in order, to the best of my ability. Starting with you, Historian. If... experiences from the previous groups are to be believed and assumed to be accurate for the relics in question now, then the relics my mistress seeks are not necessarily buried, but more... forgotten artifacts. Relics that could tell the story of what happened to this world long ago."[/color] The knight stated, before turning to Victoria. [color=9BADAE]"That, in part, should also answer your question. I unfortunately do not know the details of the specific artifacts, perhaps the servant tasked with accompanying you will be better capable of answering any such questions. I have, however, been told that these artifacts could be considered more valuable to a... historian than a merchant."[/color] It added, briefly turning to Jack, before shifting his attention to the other half-beast, who asked him about his mistress. [color=9BADAE]"And yes, it was milady who accompanied me to this establishment. Or, to be more accurate, I accompanied her. She is an anubite, of noble descent, though her family was been cast by the wayside long ago, hence why she is a scholar travelling the world instead of sitting in a palace in the desert."[/color] The knight took a moment to look the trio up and down, before nodding. [color=9BADAE]"Unless you have further questions for me I ask that you proceed to the local Guild Hall, and seek out a man named Grimar. He will be able to tell you more about the choices you have for which map you wish to follow. Milady's servant should also be waiting there, though I do not know what they are like. Grimar, however, is about my height, only unarmoured, and not a hair on his head."[/color]