After listening to Najila and Azzen's reassurance to leave than staying, she began to slowly calm down and speak. "No... I, I want, to leave." She said as she tried to catch her breath and steadily pulled herself up, but as she heard that their captor spotted them trying to escape, the girl tried hiding behind Najila and Azzen. Seeing her now stand and not hiding in her ball, the two could assume her to probably be around 10 or 11 years old. As the thug tried to hold the metal door in place as he tried to lock the door, the highlander forced the door open, pushing him back as he tried to find his footing. Before he could do anything else, Orchid grabbed and pulled the thug into the cell room while Aron tried to close the metal door. But before the door could close, those that were looking through the cell room's hall could briefly see a dim lit spacious room of about a 30ft square, containing some barrels and crates stacked, scattered, and filling almost half the room. In the center is table with a single plate and bones scattered the table, and a single chair with 3 high stools around it. And on the opposite end is a hall way to takes a turn. Back in the jail room, Orchid slammed the thug against wall and being demanded to as requested by the highlander. The thug, a male human who appears to be of a young adult age, could be seen sweating profusely that his black hair starting to look soaked. His heavy breathing made it difficult for him to speak as he stuttered for a second before taking a deep breath "Okay okay look, I'll answer your questions? But no one here, even me, doesn't need to get hurt. Our employer is [i]very[/i] negotiable fella, so maybe a deal can be arranged?" [hider=Rolls and information] Thug A, athletic roll to break free of grapple - [url=]13[/url] [/hider] EDIT: Just added a bit more in the beginning for the tiefling girl.