Najila smiled encouragingly at the tiefling girl's answer. She answered the tiefling with a little more cheer and optimism this time, "Let's go then. My name is Najila," She noticed how young the tiefling girl looked, and after she gently stood, Najila gently moved her closer to her. She used the blue veils and robes that surrounded her simple white pants and red shirt and gloves as a shield of sorts to protect the girl. If possible, she would lead the girl out of the cell with her. Najila sees the young man grappled by Orchid, and raised an eyebrow at the mention of making a deal with his boss. She asked him, her voice skeptical, and a little louder, much more haughty, than before, "And who [i]is[/i] your employer, exactly? What makes you think that we would be in a negotiable mood after being kidnapped so suddenly, and after witnessing a terrible wrong done to another prisoner?"