Bumping with some added information. At least half the people messaging me are dropping interest or for one reason or another, the RP is simply not happening. These are the main reasons that I have added to the main post, that people don't seem to understand, didn't read, or don't know the details on. This is what has been added to the main post: [hider=TLDR]I've been having some trouble with some people not understanding some things about what I'm looking for, so I'm going to make it absolutely clear here. [color=ed1c24][b]A RP with me is going to be very smut driven.[/b][/color] This means at least a 50/50 split between smut and plot. [color=ed1c24][b]I like my partners to play characters with large chests.[/b][/color] The kind that make you say "Oh god her poor back", even to unrealistic levels. Now, it's not quite as absurd as you might think, but they are big nonetheless. If I am playing the female characters, then they will be the ones this... gifted. I will give examples in PMs. [color=ed1c24][b]I am not looking for RP as Canon Characters being our main characters.[/b][/color] I am looking for RP where we play as our own OCs, and any CCs who are involved are more additive rather than a front and center focus. Obvious exceptions exist (Namely HotS) and depending on the RP, CCs will be more present than in others. For example in a WoW RP, it's likely to rarely, if at all see CCs. But a RP like Overwatch, the CCs are the main draw, so they will likely play a large role. Regardless, I am looking to play OCs as main characters, except in the one special cast of HotS. [/hider]