Pylia seemed to snap back to reality when you spoke to her, and she crossed her arms as if she was trying to hide her hands. "I'm fine... It's been a while since I've been here. The temple... Sure did grow a lot since I've last seen it. Like a whole lot... Hard to remember that I've been gone for almost twenty years." Pylia motioned towards one of the buildings. Compared to the others, it looked rather plain. It was a tall four story building with basic red bricks, wooden window panes, and a flat roof. The most notable thing about it was the symbol of the Maker over the front door. "That the orphanage. Doesn't look like much has changed aside from the new windows. Though, I'm not sure if it's even an orphanage anymore." Soon the guards at the door finished speaking with Shor and Dimos was escorted onto the campus. However the rest of the group was not. Shor looked to you all with a frustrated look. "Well, good news is that Dimos will be safe here. But... Well, apparently they're doing something here at the temple, so outsiders can't come in. Just as well, not like we need to take a tour of this place. Let's head back to the barracks and share notes."