With the go-ahead to submit from Jasper, here are Darya and Reagan! [hider=Darya] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjYyZTBlYS5SR0Z5ZVdFZ1FtRnpjMmx2LjUA/antro-vectra.regular.png[/img] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e0b13e5c-a081-46ba-a206-8f479ee31e4f.png[/img][/hider] [color=ADF2FA]Name:[/color] Darya Bassio [color=ADF2FA]Age:[/color] 17 [color=ADF2FA]Gender:[/color] Female (she/her) [color=ADF2FA]Appearance:[/color] Columbian. Long white hair, bright golden eyes, and canines that seem a [i]little[/i] too long make for a striking first impression, especially in contrast against her boisterously Italian family. [color=ADF2FA]Godly Parent:[/color] Poseidon [color=ADF2FA]Powers:[/color] Hydrokinesis, tectonesis. While her ability to manipulate water is decent, her control over earthquakes (especially relative to tsunamis) is fairly well-developed. Her understanding of vibrational waves allows for a greater understanding, and thus control, of her power. [color=ADF2FA]Bio:[/color] Darya was orphaned when she was three, but was taken in by an Italian-American family who had connections among Camp Half-Blood. As such, her connection to Poseidon was recognized early in her life, and she was able to begin developing her powers when they surfaced with more competency. Darya, alongside her two siblings, was homeschooled starting in third grade and graduated years ahead of her peers. She is a freshman at Western Governors University, working towards an online Bachelor of Science in Physics degree. Her focus revolves around tectonic vibrational wave patterns and their effects related to oceanic plate tectonic earthquakes. [color=ADF2FA]Other:[/color] [color=ADF2FA]❧[/color] She has perfected a neutral expression that borders on an aloof amusement, but her underlying temper is cruel and cold. [color=ADF2FA]❧[/color] Her weapon of choice is a xiphos with an intricately carved giant squid depicted upon it. [color=ADF2FA]❧[/color] Darya usually wears fitted shirts and practical jeans, but when practicing oceanside, she is barefoot in loose, knee-length dresses. [color=ADF2FA]❧[/color] She has a strange weakness for bones. Jewelry, weaponry, raw, whatever. Gotta have 'em. [color=ADF2FA]❧[/color] Licorice is her 7-year-old Friesian draft horse. [color=ADF2FA]❧[/color] Likes: Yoga, horses, the cold, scuba diving, bourbon and cranberry juice [color=ADF2FA]❧[/color] Dislikes: Group projects, heights, vandalism, American age restrictions [color=ADF2FA]Theme Song:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5jz8xdpR0M] One last breath 'til the tears start to wither.[/url][/center] [/hider] [hider=Reagan] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmZmZWM4Zi5VbVZoWjJGdUlFSmhkR2hoY21GdC4w/gaspol-remblong.regular.png[/img] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3529852b-4129-4ed3-a0a9-9279a6a07185.png[/img][/hider] [color=FCF4A3]Name:[/color] Reagan Kwan Batharam [color=FCF4A3]Age:[/color] 15 [color=FCF4A3]Gender:[/color] Non-binary (he/him or they/them) [color=FCF4A3]Attraction:[/color] Panromantic, gray-sexual [color=FCF4A3]Appearance:[/color] Korean. Reagan has shoulder-length tousled jet-black hair, sharp dark eyes, and delicate features. His quick grin is lopsided, with one dimple creasing the left cheek. [color=FCF4A3]Godly Parent:[/color] Hermes [color=FCF4A3]Powers:[/color] Inhuman speed, good luck. Quick, sticky fingers and surprisingly thrifty spending habits enable Reagan to form several small hoards of currency, which they hide in the many places they visit. They never seem to get caught, but when they do, they can easily charm their way out of any serious repercussions. They have quick instincts and reactions, especially in dangerous situations. [color=FCF4A3]Bio:[/color] Reagan’s father, Bae Jung-Hee, emigrated from South Korea about five years before Reagan was born. While traveling, he caught the eye of Hermes, and upon arrival in America, Hermes reappeared to him with a newborn Reagan in-hand. Hermes also provided documentation for the child and for Jung-Hee’s chosen new name - Jay Batharam. Jay taught Reagan Korean and English immediately, and they were exposed to numerous different languages by Hermes, who was unusually present for his first three years of life. Reagan learned to speak, read, and write quickly, and he began signing as soon as his motor skills developed enough to allow for it. [color=FCF4A3]Other:[/color] [color=FCF4A3]☤[/color] Their weapon of choice is a multi tool with a number of blades, lockpicks, and other useful gadgets. [color=FCF4A3]☤[/color] He has various levels of fluency in about 20 languages, including English, Korean, ASL, Spanish, German, Russian, Greek, and Latin. [color=FCF4A3]☤[/color] They tend to take the easy way out, but they’re not afraid to roll up their sleeves when needed. [color=FCF4A3]☤[/color] He has a white-and-cream pet ferret named Marshmallow. [color=FCF4A3]☤[/color] Likes: Jigsaw puzzles, chocolate coins, heights, running, photography, podcasts [color=FCF4A3]☤[/color] Dislikes: Licorice, being forced to sit still, clowns, leadership assumptions [color=FCF4A3]Theme Song:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLshdZTgtLk]I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run.[/url] [/center][/hider]