[quote=@Mangrale] [list] [*]With Magic Materialization being a spell (one of the four available slots), should the weapons I intend to use it for be in the weapons section, or is that just for permanent weapons only? [*]Namekians already have a great deal of established abilities, like regeneration and gigantification. Would it be better to treat them as techniques rather than inherent traits, and what I don't have written down is what he's yet to learn as a namekian? Like: no regeneration unless I have it listed in his cache of techniques. I'm actually fine if that's what you want me to go with, I just want to be sure. [/list] [/quote] Weapons slot is more for permanent weapons, the main thing is just to include what kinds of weapons he can make and what he is actually good at using. As for regeneration and gigantification, I feel that regeneration is more of a Namekian race trait while giganticifaction is more of a technique. Regeneration more just depends on your ki reserves, so each time you do have to use it, you'll get quite a bit weaker. For Gigantification, there are few instances of Namekian's using that skill, so that would take up one of your ability slots to have. Regeneration = race trait Gigantification = technique