The birds sang their songs in the well manicured trees of the city Bruma, uncaring as the Landstriders were of the off architecture and the ordered way about life. It was strange to one of Dax's nature, even compared to other Argonians. Granted, he could see the benefits of a walled city and a structured way of living, but it also gave a predictability that any potential enemy could turn to their advantage. His people had long fought off the Dunmer by stealth and irregularity in their tactics. Not everything was a warzone, nor was it all survival of the fittest. He needed to continue to remind himself of that in order to coexist with non-Argonians. Not all life was under threat... at least, initially. But it all devolved from there, with simple time. With ne'er a clatter, he made his way off the roof of the new guild he had found himself a member of. Anyone who saw his landing would think him menacing, if not a threat. Indeed a woman squealed at his sudden appearance and a man hustled her away, looking at him with suspicion. He'd gotten used to it, and even enjoyed it in his more humorous moments, though those were few and far between. As of now, it was his day-to-day. Striding out of the alley, he kept his weapons out of his hands but they were ever present. Once he was amid the crowd however, even he blended in. All walks of life seemed to congregate here. It always amazed Dax how much of a melting pot the other provinces were. He did think Blackmarsh should remain isolationist, but every now and then he wondered how it would be if his homeland could have a multitude of outsiders without having them succumb to disease, or have them invade with the intention of slavery. Mer and Men mingled, laughing and trading spices and other goods. Young girls danced and flitted through the streets, giggling even at Dax. A man tried to halt him to sell him fish, but Dax didn't even pay attention to the fellow. Making his way out of the market, he found himself among the outskirts of the town where the guards strode about and travelers entered the city. He decided he would wait there and watch. Perhaps on the walls to have a better view and to keep himself from driving others away. As he climbed the inner stairway, one of the guards, a man with a square jaw halted him. "Hold, citizens aren't allowed up there." He remarked, and Dax paused. "I'm not a citizen. I am one of the Adventurer's from the guild. Am I still not permitted?" He didn't smile because it usually put people off when he showed his teeth. The man held clear suspicion, and he informed Dax to await as he went off to find his superior officer. Within minutes another man appeared, with a shield emblazoned with the symbol of the city. "Ah yes, you." He said, recognizing Daixanos from the reports of him entering the city days ago. "I've been wanting to meet you. What interest do you have on the walls?" Little did Dax know, it was the start of a mutually beneficial relationship.