[center][h2] Jakito Twilight [/h2][/center] The [i]Cora[/i] jumps out of hyperspace, followed closely by the [i]Rancor's Den[/i]. "HJ, stay in orbit and wait for the rest of our fleet." I direct the ship to follow Zar'kun's ship towards the planet. "We're here to back you up, old friend. The others will be here shortly." I say that, but the sight of the massive space station looming over the planet made me wonder if it would be enough. [center][h2] Salazar Greshh [/h2][/center] A starfighter jumps behind them and also follows Jakito and crew towards the planet. "This is Greshh. I heard your transmission and came straight away. Jerus is rallying the others at Hoth base. and will arrive with the fleet." [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] I walk through the ruins of the Tython Jedi Temple. Grass has been turned to sand, and all over the place, there are lightsabers scattered; dropped when their owners had turned to dust. There is no sound but the wind. "Peaceful." I find an open area and have a seat in the sand, meditating on the void. I patiently awaited the Sith Hunters to arrive.