[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC4wYjkyZjQuUkdGMmFXUWdVMkYzZVdWeS4wAAAA/roadway.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dZsL0GS.png[/img][h1]╚════════════╝[/h1][h2][b][u]Araminta Serenity Library[/u][/b][/h2][/center][hr] "Can't say that I have. Well, not those fancy schmancy names anyway." David nodded as Brianna shared her knowledge of the unknown with him, writing down a few notes as he listened. The magical beings part... He wasn't all too familiar with it but he'd vaguely heard of such terms before. Whispers floating through certain journalist circles of interviews with strange people that could manipulate the world around them. Creating fire or becoming magnetic and attracting metal. References to otherworldly forces, or the suspicions of such by more skeptical writers. The exact terms of such powers weren't familiar to him but he wrote them down anyway, noting that Brianna's power seemed to be opening and closing those portals that led to the Outside. He knew his own powers, of course. The tattoo on his back that gave him the ability to see the paranormal. His special eyes that could see into the histories of photographs and the images captured within. Even now he could see those same auras, ethereal wisps of smoke that poured from the pages of every book on the shelves, the telltale signs of pictures that had more to tell than just being another pretty image. David placed his notebook on the table and ran a hand through his hair, scratching absently at an itch as he glanced between the two women. "I don't know about you ladies, but uh, I can see magical auras. And I can look into the histories and stories of photographs. The more recent the photo, the stronger the impression. Especially if it came from my camera. And it also lets me see past illusions."