[@Bartimaeus][@TheMushroomLord][@t2wave] With things a bit calmer, Vam took the time to look closer at the object now in her hand. It was bone. HER bone?! How had she done that? It had felt so natural and effortless. The voice in her head quickly snapped her out of her thoughts and she spun around in confusion, trying to find the source. The shadowy being appeared to be looking at her, granted it was hard to tell. Had that come from him? Was it a him? Again, hard to tell. She stared at him a moment before finally responding in a quiet voice, "...I don't know..I don't remember..Who are you?" The younger boy suggested going to the canteen, and she nodded her agreement. Yes, food sounded nice..if there was any food there. She wasn't convinced any staff was here at all. That was an automated message, after all. It didn't care who was here. It would still play. Everything was clearly malfunctioning though. If there were staff, wouldn't they have come by now? There would be someone guarding prisoners, right? Still she began to walk towards where she guessed the canteen was. That is until another sound stopped her, and she quickly turned, gripping the bone tightly again. She stood frozen until the metal on metal sound stopped. It sounded fairly close, and she didn't know if she should be afraid of whatever it was or not..but she definitely felt it regardless! She was the only one of them with a weapon, so she motioned to the other two to stay and slowly approached where the sound had come from, prepared to fight if need be.