Najila listened carefully and she went over the given names of his employers over in her mind. One of them definitely sounded elven, sulfur was an element, and she was pretty sure Sarfir wasn't a name. It may have been a codename. But the first name, and their predicament were certainly clues. They were better than nothing, and she was sure she would piece them together soon. She noted how Wyatt mentioned that the Captain had tusks. A normal human didn't have tusks. The kind of people who did came to Najila's mind, and all of them were the brute strength types. She reminded Wyatt when he started scoffing, "Now, now, Wyatt. You're not exactly in a good position right now. I'm sure you don't need me to remind you of that," She answered Orchid, "Ah well. At least we're able to glean [i]some[/i] clues off of him, as well as the general layout of this place," She commented to her friends, "Judging from what he said, their captain may be as strong as Ironbane over there," When she said Ironbane, she nodded towards Angus, since she didn't know his name. She added, "As far as I can tell for right now, his employer may be elven. Of course, he could have just given a code name to Wyatt here,"