[@Dead Cruiser] Oh that looks cool! Definitely seems to take more inspiration from the ACTUAL demon itself - with the three heads and all - still, I hope mine will suffice. [@Cleverbird] Damn right they are - it's also another favorite of mine~ Two other favorites are "Hell On Earth" which is the theme of the first level: [hider=Getting Heavy Blade Runner 2049 "Sea Wall" vibes from this] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkqzufcqny4[/youtube] [/hider] But one of my other personal favorites is the Final Boss theme because its just metal AF (Spoilers ahead): [hider=SPOILERS AHEAD - OPEN/LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiLLQeqfXY0&t[/youtube] [/hider]