[@LivingQuietly][@Jamesyco][@CaptainBritton] Do you all have a preference for what nation we begin in? There's the British Empire, consisting of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Dominions of West Africa, South Africa, Australasia, and East Africa, as well as the Indian Empire (the British Raj) and a host of crown colonies in Polynesia, Hong Kong, and Ryukyu, as well as Protectorates in Iraq, Jordan, Egypt-Sudan, and elsewhere. The Kingdom of France, consisting of Metropolitan France, Algeria, Indochina, the French Soudan, and Madagascar. The North German Alliance, an informal coalition of the North German kingdoms, princely states, and dukedoms like the Kingdom of Prussia, Schleswig-Holstein, Hanover, the Rhineland, and others. The South German Alliance, another informal coalition headed by Hapsburg Austria (reduced to Austria, Slovenia, Istria, and Bohemia-Moravia), with Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden, Saxony, and other small duchies and princedoms.