"That is a grave accusation," he told her, helping her up. "Yet he feel it is also likely. The attacks have become more frequent as of late. The rumors indicate they'll soon have an invasion base on the planet." He wished he could claim he knew exactly what to do with the information. For now it simply complicated things. He wondered if this had anything to do with the recent pagan rebellions springing up in the forested hills of Tolth. Even if they did, it wasn't his mission, he reminded himself. Even if the Duke was a conspirator, or if one of his court members was a conspirator, which of them would the Baron truly back? The rightful Duke whom he hates, or a traitor to his ranks? "Will you forestall my duty?" He whispered in a prayer, gazing into the knolls of the wood. Now more than ever, it was not the time to dally. Orion grabbed his sack and took out an extra linen shirt, ripping the hems off to use as rope as he tied up the unconscious Vuldrok. "I believe you," He told her as he ripped the cloth. "But others might not. The paranoid Duke would likely soon as burn you than listen to you, and me for that matter." With a grunt, he lifted the tied barbarian up. Pancreator, he'd rather it had been a Kurgan. At least members of the Caliphate bathed, not to mention they were leaner in physique. Their women were said to be beautiful as well. Idly he wondered if Sister Annika had any Kurgan in her blood from ages past, but he dismissed the thought as soon as it showed and hoped she hadn't read his mind. "Let us be off before the sun dips and we're shot in the dark." [@Penny]