Alright, time for Ammokkx' before-the-sleep checklist: -Name of the central city is "The Core" and the name of the outer city is "The Collar." Two tentative names for districts in the Collar are "Clockwork" and "Ancillary." -Name of the gang isn't settled on yet. My current idea was to go with Junkyard dogs, but others may still have a better idea to toss out. Charak's Bulwark Breakers and Rampart Busters are also two options people can go for if they want to, as is anything mentioned before Junkyard dogs if there's support for it. Seems like we're getting close to a definitive setting more-or-less. Don't think there's much more to think about other than character backstories as well as asking any immediately relevant questions about the Core. Oh yeah, Speed World or Speed World II? Might be a quick but relevant question to ask. If anyone else has something they think we need to talk about, feel free to bring it up. I'll read it when I get up from my eternal slumber.