[quote=@GrilledCheese] My idea would just be crawling in my skin emo guy who had a decently alright life but still quotes the edgy pretentious parts of reddit cause he semi-hates everything for no reason. Powers would be generic shadow or fire manipulation which in any other character would just be a regular, flexible power but this character would consider it his "curse". The other idea would be slight cyber/bio ware implants like a datajacks to plug in implants or completely unnoticeable muscle enhancements, either of which would make him consider himself a "monster". Mostly like a 70% joke character but it'd be amusing, also if he survives long enough I might put him through character development. Honestly he might even turn normal if slightly awkward if he actually finds friends that try to tell him to quit his bullshit and act like a normal person. [/quote] Yeah, neither myself or Jessie are fans of the edge for no reason kind of character, so that's going to be a hard sell for us. I can kind of get by on the somewhat edgy powerbase with a decent guy, though honestly the powers really aren't that edgy. They're a bit generic as you said, so not really sure how it's too much of a curse beyond the whole metagene thing. As for the other idea on the implants, I mean it would require some work and some back and forth on it to get an idea on how viable it is, but it could be plausible. Before I toss an invite to the discord though, I want to make it pretty clear with you on that closing note. We don't like joke characters. If you're intending to join the RP with a character that is just a joke, something that is meant to bring comedic effect, or that you are not serious with, then don't.