[img]https://i.stack.imgur.com/pNTAo.png[/img] Yavin IV: Jedi Temple [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuxHLzwlDY4][i][b]Hunter, schemer, Teacher, Killer[/b][/i][/url] [@Lotrix Molick] As she began to speak, security shuffled away nodding in cautious obedience to Skywalker who turned towards the Farghul listening to her answers. When she began to speak about what the Jensaarai were, he raised an eyebrow in fascination. "Not so confused after all I suppose, though I wonder how many more force using cults are out there." There was the woman on Coruscant, he knew about a cult that called itself the disciples of Ragnos, they seemed to serve Jerec who was hellbent on proclaiming himself a Dark Lord of the Sith, but with the Sith extinct and much of their knowledge seemingly destroyed, he had to wonder exactly what Jerec's new order would become. He'd heard rumors of a bunch of monks from a species of armored weasels who viewed the force like a rainbow and possessed the ability to teleport by bending space around themselves. Even a cult of eccentric gemstones incase in armor that fought and served like Jedi and all Luke could do was listen like an enthusiastic child, all these different disciplines. As she continued to speak he wanted to interrupt, to ask about the other Jedi she said she'd met as he had been told he was the last living Jedi. Although, the more Luke thought about it the more he believed that was Yoda speaking from his perception of what it meant to be a Jedi, or perhaps the senility of his final moments of life. Then Luke realized Farghuls who weren't enhanced by the force could live a little over two centuries and that the force tended to nearly double the lifespans of the sentients that wielded it and the woman who stood before him could very well be as old as the Jensaarai sect was (which would put her in her seventies), perhaps that meant the Jedi she spoke of were long dead? "Funny how the Jedi preached that about aggression but they fought in a Galaxy spanning war before the end" Mara muttered, there was a lot about the old Order to admire, even she could see that. But that didn't mean they weren't phenomenal hypocrites ninety percent of the time. Jade had remained skeptical, since the other two idiots were gawking at her story like a bunch of academy graduates listening to a veteran tell war stories or like wide eyed children hearing a fable. It had been when she spoke of her childhood that the redhead softened a bit, slaves didn't remember nothing. Either she was lying, had repressed the memories or, she was lucky? Part of Jade's psyche envied her that. The things Palpatine had done to her in the service of advancing her "knowledge" were, things she wished she could forget. Around them, the lighting began to shift as the sun light of the gas giant's star began to dim. Ancient holograms began to spring to life all around them, some depicting great Jedi, others depicting ancient beings with feral eyes and bright red skin. Soon, the bustle of Republic troopers and servicemen would die down and the sounds of the jungle moon would flow into the temple filling it with a chorus of the wild. "The Disciples of Twilight fascinate me, you fight for the little guy but shun anything on a large scale if my information is correct." That had been what confused Kenth the most about her. For her to come here, to seek out Yavin, for whatever was happening and had been happening to be so profound as to draw out one of those vigilantes? Vigilantes, he thought...Right..Something needed to be set straight then. "You can't just go about butchering every idiot in power whose character it would improve" Hamner muttered, a look of vehemence in his eyes that suggested he'd oppose any wetworks she tried to do in that area. Luke turned his head towards the merchant Jedi with a wry sgrin "By that logic my father shouldn't have thrown the Emperor down that reactor shaft?" "No" Mara shook her head "That's different, the Emperor was insane, he had to be destroyed, he was a threat to all life" "and it still splintered the galaxy into a million pieces" Hamner added his scratchy voice taking a dim, smoky, somewhat grim tone. "Still, there are times when the Galaxy would better off with one less malcontent in power. I can't fault the disciples for doing that on a small scale, on a moon or a planet or an asteroid it probably changes everything for the better.." "All the same" Luke offered "While with us, please refrain from assassinating leaders unless we've no other choice. The last thing the Galaxy needs right now is for more power vacuums to form" "Hey, caty lady wanna come with me to Coruscant?" Mara asked, her eyes flashing with a mix of humor and mischief "we'll have some fun, hit up a few gaming houses, maybe throw a crazy person down a flight of stairs?" Mara let out a laugh when she saw the look on Luke's face "oh come on! It's not an assassination it's gravity!" "Right..well" Skywalker turned back to the woman and reached out a hand "We haven't asked for your name in all this mess and I apologize for that. Knight of many orders, what do you call yourself? And, I would welcome you to the Jedi temple but it seems like you've always been here. So, more, I'm sorry for not inquiring sooner" Hamner reached up to rub his shoulder, the more he thought about it. The more sense it made to have her here, the more he felt the force twist and scream over whatever happened on Coruscant....The more he realized Luke was right. While they had to build their own force tradition slowly, they needed help and they needed a deeper reservoir than before.