[hider=Punchdude] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/822353131145076736/u1-g0ASj_400x400.jpg[/img][/center] [color=fff79a][b]Name[/b][/color] Arizawa Iwao [color=fff79a][b]Description[/b][/color]: Clocking in at 5'10 and 150 pounds soaking wet, Iwao is a man made of wire. The sharper lines of his face are mellowed and softened by an expression that most often wobbles between careful neutrality and faraway melancholy, smiling rarely. He's reserved, and seems driven by routine more than anything else, and tends to retreat inward once that's spent up. The more observant sorts would notice his pronounced knuckles (at least if they were weirdos that looked at hands), and those that catch him on his nightly runs through the city would find his hands wrapped in cloth— both tells of the passion that once dominated his youth: boxing. The former amateur prospect may be unable to train, but it's undeniably still what he loves. His poster is a framed image of Madison Square Garden, and his laptop is often playing an old black-and-white fight on YouTube (Archie Moore a common face) as unobtrusive background noise. It probably has something to do with why his normal wear is usually utilitarian or sporting in nature. Lots of shoes to run in, and hoodies to work up a sweat in. [color=fff79a][b]World Building[/b][/color] [url=https://pm1.narvii.com/6568/9e6ce15172e6d6ea251e8b4edd1f358eecdb3cb6_hq.jpg]Inoue Tatsuya[/url] is a student at Hijirido University, sharing a class or two with Iwao. Friendly and affable, he's transitioned into college life easily— smashing through his studies to spend the week planning a nice Saturday evening with his girlfriend. Works a few night shifts a week at Nacchan's to fund these ventures, and is a member of the airsoft club. [url=https://i.imgur.com/Qs63jdi.png]Tanno Junichiro[/url] is the owner, purveyor, and extremely respected Head Coach of the Corsair Boxing Gym. A former member of the Japanese Navy, the "Ol' Skipper" is a strict and exacting disciplinarian to his students, but that salty exterior conceals and quickly gives way to a fatherly pride for each. They are his sons and daughters, and though he works them hard as they can take, it's out of a true commitment to seeing them achieve their dreams. Shockingly great with kids for being such a hard-nosed man of the sea. He and Iwao are currently not on speaking terms. [url=https://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4-tmb/3bdc759fbe0bac275376655ccf0f24841497482896_fwide.jpg]Kobayashi Mitsuo[/url] is a [s]street urchin[/s] hero of justice. A young man that never had much aspiration for college, and is suspected to have maybe watched anywhere from one to fifty too many sentai shows as a kid. His method of "nitty-gritty vigilantism" ultimately amounts to seeking out scuffles he can get into (with a fighting chance, of course— he's not [i]suicidally[/i] delusional), with people that, in fairness, probably deserve a slugging. Usually. Has a habit of making weird speeches and jumping to weirder conclusions. Considers Iwao a "success story", after a few times crossing paths with him. Possibly due to getting it smashed, falling out of his pocket, or other such calamities befalling his smartphone, Mitsuo has gotten shockingly good at repairing them, and makes ends meet by monetizing that service. [color=fff79a][b]Corsair Boxing Gym:[/b][/color] Nestled away within the Eastern District, one of Tenoroshi's most respected crucibles of combat sports sits within a small warehouse, just a mile or two from the wharf. Named such after Tanno's maritime background, adherents of his "Train Smart, Work Hard" philosophy jokingly dub themselves "pirates", in no small part due to their raids on the Saturday Fisherman's Markets. Hey, you don't get much better than fish for lean eating on a weight cut. Regardless, fighters both pro and amateur can be seen throughout the day during the gym's hours of operation, on their Road Work route through the district, friendly smiles for anyone passing by. Unless they're dead tired, of course. [color=fff79a][b]Nacchan's Grocery:[/b][/color] In the homey, inviting suburbia of the Northwestern District there lies an equally homey, inviting market. Sitting on the corner of a well-lit street and a public park, Nacchan's is a one stop shop for any of your foodstuff needs, from instant ramen to the illustrious (amongst young mothers, anyway) kale. Recently added a deli thanks to a good year, and are currently hiring to fill those new part-time shifts. Good prices for where it's at. [color=fff79a][b]Yuki-Hama:[/b][/color] Imaginatively dubbed "Snow Beach" on account of its white sands, this straight stretch of coastline is just around the bend from the Northeastern District's popular boardwalk, and it's a picture of solitude. The tranquil waves lapping against the sands both soothe troubled minds and wash away the tracks of those who would grow tired of doing all their running on pavement. A respite for the joints never hurt. It's a good refuge to be alone with one's thoughts, if that's really what you need, especially at night. [/hider]