Jessica was having an utterly FANTASTIC cry sesh. She was really letting it out, and perhaps got a little loud for her own good. Her therapist would probably be proud, if she had a therapist. But she didn't. Because seeking help was for LOSERS. Best to deal with these things STUBBORNLY and ALONE. [i]Hey. You okay and stuff?[/i] SHIT. She was DEFINITELY NOT okay and stuff! One of those NOSY NANCYS was sniffin' into her biz, and they were about to find out that she had FEELINGS and FEELINGS WERE LAME. She had to lie! Lie like she'd never lied before! "BwaaaaHAHAHA!" Jessica's crying quickly turned to laughter as she rose from her crouching position in one swift move, with all the deftness of someone who spent HOURS of the day loitering outside of convenience stores EVILLY. "You FOOLS," Jessica called out, her nose still snotty from all the CRYING she definitely DID, "I have been LAUGHING MYSELF TO TEARS watching you all CRY LIKE BABIES!" Jessica looked up at the girl who had come to see if she was alright, and smirked. "H-HAHAHA you totally thought I was CRYING but really I WASN'T CRYING so I'm FINE AND STUFF." [i]"HNNN! Gotta suck it back in! Eat that despair! Let it fester and FUEL my BLACK SOUL like a healthy ADULT!"[/i]