The journey home had been simple, her father and Henry had dropped her off before heading out in the beaten-up car to attend to business. [color=f49ac2][i]More like get drunk, what have I done? They want to kill him in three days. This is my fault alone; I should never have agreed to it… but then would I be the one in a cell? Would it be me facing treason?[/i][/color] Sighing as she walked inside with a heavy heart, she caught sight of Ethan passed out on the sofa holding the bottle of whiskey, narrowing her eyes at the site she moved over snatching it from his hand before nudging him awake. [color=f49ac2]“Ethan… what the hell?”[/color] It was enough that her father favoured the alcoholic beverage let alone him as well. [color=f49ac2][i]Just another thing that is my fault[/i][/color]. Shaking her head as Ethan began to stir, she took a step back folding her arms, [color=f49ac2]“You don’t need to be like him.”[/color] “Oh, cut it out Iris. Stop acting like you case, you don’t care about me. I can’t give you what you want. I’m not like [i]him[/i]” Ethan growled as he rubbed his arms coming around from the rather rude awakening. [color=f49ac2]“You know what, no. You can’t. I may have lost most of my memories, but I still remember as clear as day when you broke my heart so don’t even. You know deep down we were only together to keep our fathers happy.”[/color] Iris stated clearly as she looked down at him, she didn’t want him pushing her around like this when she knew she had messed up. “Whatever. Hope you’re happy with yourself.” Pushing himself off of the chair he slammed the bottle of whiskey on the table as he headed to the door, “This will all be over in a few days, he will be dead and you’ll come crawling back to me because I’m the only one who will love you.” Not even waiting for a response he had stormed out of the home, front door slamming behind him as he left her alone in the house. Glancing down at the floor she held her tears in, she would not cry, and she would not let the words get to her even though they stung. Taking a deep breath, she moved into the kitchen to scramble something together for dinner, it was going to be quite the challenge however she knew she could do it. [color=f49ac2][i]I liked to cook; I remember that about myself even though I’m questioning who I am now.[/i][/color] Wiping her eyes, she looked through the cupboards rummaging for whatever ingredients she could get her hands on, thankfully there was some sort of rice which she knew she could make something with. It wouldn’t be anything amazing, but it was better than nothing. It was nothing amazing as there was no fresh ingredients or meat to go with the dish, but she had found a questionable egg in the fridge. With that in mind she had decided to make egg fried rice confident in what she was doing, it had to be muscle memory she was certain of it and just this little piece of information made her smile for a moment. Forgetting the horrid reality of what was going on right now. Looking at her creation she portioned out the meal into two separate bowls. One for her father if he wanted something to eat when he returned and the last for Caspain as she had lost all appetite, she was full of guilt instead. Grabbing the bowl for Caspain she took a fresh glass of water just in case, but when she looked at the tiny bowl in her hands, she found herself cringing. [color=f49ac2][i]He won’t eat this, he hates me… why did I bother?[/i][/color] Shaking away her thoughts she moved towards the basement with items in hand, whether he ate it or not was his choice. At least she had done something. [color=f49ac2][i]Not enough though. Three days? I… I’m so stupid. I should never have done this.[/i][/color] Moving quietly into the basement in case he was sleeping she quietly placed the bowl of egg fried rice and glass of water before taking a step back. Hesitating slightly she looked to the door wondering if she should leave, deep down she didn’t want too.