Jason rushes to Mai, banishing his swords, and starts trying to get the tiny dragons away from them, lashing out with his fire. He tosses the tiny drakes aside, hurling them away, and screeches in pain as they bite and claw his wings. "Nahhh! Get off of me!" His body flares, and he takes to the air, spinning as he tries to dislodge the tiny drawings. "How many times are we going to go though this?" He incinerates the few drawings still clinging to him, and winces from pain, bleeding from dozens of little cuts. He tosses the drakes off of Mai, only to be swarmed again. He screeches in anger and pain, and raises his hand, a ball of fire growing in his palm, getting bigger by the second. He backs away from Mai so she won't be hurt by the blaze, and the fireball explodes, engulfing his body in flames. They...don't hurt, much to his surprise.