[h1][center][color=BA2BE2]Aislyn Harriot Mrs. Sandman[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [@Heartfillia][@LuckyBlackCat] Aislyn had been standing in place, minding her own business, when out of seemingly nowhere a boy she hadn't seen before suddenly landed in front of her. Her slouching body - [url=https://www.pngkey.com/detail/u2q8w7e6e6o0y3o0_cloud-mario-super-mario-galaxy-2-cloud-mario/]clad[/url] in puffy white cover-alls, a voilet under-shirt, soft white gloves, work boots, and a bulbous ring of material around her collar that looked as much like a cloud as her white hair did - shot upright, her nearly-closed blue eyes widening in surprise. She knew they were on teams, but hadn't really paid attention to the names called or faces shown. She could only assume then, that this guy was one of her team buddies? He went on to say as much. Cool. Raising a hand to her mouth, Aislyn motioned to yawn, but made sure to hold her breath after the initial inhale - as long as she didn't exhale while doing it, she wouldn't make any sound, and thus her quirk wouldn't activate. A silent yawn was this dark-skinned girl's initial answer to Jack's boastful introduction. [color=BA2BE2]"If victory is a given, does that mean I can take a nap?"[/color] she drawled after smacking her lips once. Her body had settled back into slouch mode, and her eyes became lidded once more. She smiled at her own half-jest, as well as the image of getting to have a nice nap that it conjured in her mind. Her next group member, thankfully, seemed a lot more chill than Jacky-boy did. The strong, ice-cold woman with a heart of gold type, eh? [color=BA2BE2]"Yeah, I could pro'lly fall in love with you,"[/color] Aislyn remarked aloud as she took in Chiha's long, well-kept hair and form-fitting outfit. She was definitely her type. She almost seemed too perfect, like she'd walked out of a cartoon. Wait, wasn't she in her class? Well, if she hadn't fallen in love with Chiha yet, it probably wasn't going to happen. Whatever, moving on. [color=BA2BE2]"Since we're doing introductions, I'm, uhh...Aislyn. The sound of my yawns makes me drowsy. And other people, too. If my quirk activates, I'll fall asleep in five minutes. I can yawn again to make the time shorter, and then, uh...if, uh, [i]when[/i] I fall asleep, everyone my quirk hit will, too. So, like...we should probably come up with a signal so you guys cover your ears before I do it. Oh! And, uh, my hero name is Mrs. Sandman. Or...I guess it [i]should[/i] be "Ms." Sandman, but then, like...I don't want every Tom, Jack--"[/color] Her eyes shot back to Jack when she said his name. [color=BA2BE2]"--and Harry askin' me "Hur hur, how's the divorce going hur hur" so...yeah."[/color] Aislyn fell silent, her eyes glazing over as she spaced out, waiting for something else to happen. Oh, right, they needed a signal. After a silence that was probably long enough for one of her teammates to have started speaking, Aislyn folded her hands into her under-arms, pretending to have wings, then flapped them while cawing out a loud, [color=BA2BE2]"CAK-A-DADDLE-DAAAAAAA!!! That's the signal.[/color] She had resumed her slouch and normal tone of voice the moment she was done demonstrating it for her teammates' benefit.