[@Le Fay] Well written, despite a few tiny errors, but hey, everyone makes mistakes and auto-correct sometimes messes up your writing without you realizing. Bit of a 'content warning' there, don't you think? But before we get into any ethical dilemmas about your character's, well... ethical dilemma, there's one other issue. I like the Digimon line you went with; bit of an unconventional start, but I like that kind of stuff- there's a plot related issue with your Mega choice. We can take this to PM's if you want, because I don't want to spoil too many things too early, but it sort of boils down to two things: You can change the Mega, or you can trust me. If you're okay with keeping it a surprise, then we're good to go on that front, otherwise, we can speak further about this in a PM. Ultimately there's no pressure either way, I'm judt informing you of the situation. EDIT: The immediacy of both issues mentioned has been reduced. The Mega is acceptable without plot conflict.