WIP, Placeholder [hider=The Confederated Cities of the Dastrian Sea] [hider=Basic Information] Name of Nation: The Confederated Cities of the Dastrian Sea or the Dastrian Confederation National Motto: One Banner, One History, One Nation (91 DE - 103) Culture, Strength, and Glory (103 - 420) State of the Sea (420-479) Dastria Stands (479-) Capital: The City of Dastria Head of State: His Grace, Arrigo Cancalo, Premier-Elect of the Confederation, Selected of the People, Protector of the City and People of Dastria, Representative of the Sea-Saint Marcinea Head of Government: His Excellency, Marcio d’Casta, Grand Chancellor under the Premier-Elect, Governor of The Bank of the City of Dastria, Hereditary Titled Governor of the Glass Isles, Patriarch of the House d'Casta [/hider] [hider=Territory] Territory: The Confederation claims areas all around the Dastrian Sea as its core territories. These are referred to as the National Territories. Areas under Dastrian control near the homeland are known as Confederated Territories. These territories possess some autonomy and have some political representation. The Confederation also maintains numerous small colonies and concessions as either Confederated Territories or as Colonial Possessions. [hider=The National Territory of Dastria] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JVbDgG5.png[/img] [b]The City of Dastria, Calia Island to the southwest, the Glass Islands to the northeast[/b] Dastria is the beating heart of the Confederation, center of all its trade and administrative activities. To its southwest is the Island of Calia, where the Treaty of Calia Island was signed. Calia is also home to the headquarters of the National Integrated Command of the Carabinieri, the main military force of the Confederation. It also serves as home to the Western Home Fleet, guarding the entrance to Dastria from those who would harm it. To the northeast are the Glass Islands of Casta and Castina. These islands are the center of the National Territories’ industrial capacity. These islands are also used by the banks as storehouses for the vast wealth they have collected. [/hider] [hider=The National Territory of Listra and the Confederated Territory of Greater Alkan] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IvBCPTi.png[/img] [b]The City of Listra, the City of New Alkadion to the north[/b] Listra is the Confederation’s second-most important city, once home to a kingdom rivalling Dastria in dominance over the Dastrian Sea, the city now stands as its partner in protecting and promoting trade in the Dastrian Sea. The City of New Alkadion is a minor city to the north of Listra, once the mythical Shining City of Alkadion, home to the Elder Gods. The old city was destroyed in a calamity known simply as the Sundering [/hider] [hider=The Colonial Possessions of Sazalla] [img]https://i.imgur.com/BYvc0Ax.png[/img] [b]The City of Sazalla[/b] Sazalla is a major trade and military port of the Confederation. An age ago, this was where the legendary explorer Edante Cancolo settled with his Fleet of Forty. Today, it is an important stop on westbound journeys as tolls are paid here for passage through the Cancelli Islands to the west. [/hider] [hider=The Colonial Territory of Ravell] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tQKkAdY.png[/img] [b]The City of Ravelia[/b] Ravelia is a far-flung trading port of the Confederation. Compared to most cities in the Confederation, Ravelia is small and its surrounding areas are very sparsely populated. Furthermore, there are very few native Dastrian humans in the city, being unsuited to the harsh northern climate. The city holds power over northern trade routes to the New World, serving as a major supply stop. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Demographics] Demographics: The National Territories arThe Confederation’s national and confederated territories are composed of two dominant species - humans, and squid-human hybrids known as the Ikalman. The humans of the Confederation’s heartlands are formally known as the “Alkan” after the Shining City of Old Alkadion. It is said that the Alkan originated from Alkadion and spread out in the aftermath of the Sundering. They are generally of lean builds, tan, brown-eyed and black of hair. They are slightly shorter than the average human, but also more nimble. Many Alkans refer to their ethnicities by their home city, though there are few physiological differences between them. The Ikalman are squid-like humans (or humanoid squids) that are considered a separate biological species from humans, being unable to bear live offspring with them in all but a few rare cases. Their body structure is somewhat comparable to squids, with a head, and a set of eight arms about the length of a typical human leg with suckers along their entire length, and two, longer, tentacles. Unlike the squids they resemble; however, Ikalman are unable to remain in water. They are noted to have terrestrial respiratory systems consisting of air-breathing lungs in their “heads” and take in air through their mouths. Their skin; however, needs to be perpetually moist. Public water pools are located in all public spaces in Dastria where they slip in to remoisturize. Furthermore, they are significantly more intelligent than squids, able to communicate and intelligently interact with humans. In fact, they as a whole may be more intelligent than the human species. This intelligence; however, is compensated for with their relative physical weakness as their soft bodies are unsuited to combat or menial labor. Within Dastria, the Ikalman are afforded equal rights. The Ikalman; however, lack mouths, and are forced to communicate through clicking their beaks. The colonies are largely composed of their native populations, with a small ruling elite from the National Territories. There are two important non-human minorities present in the Confederation; however. The first of which are the Drowned Listrans. The Drowned Listrans are an extremely small population of mermen, once a powerful civilization coexisting with the Alkadian Empire, and later the Listran Hegemony until the Sack of Listra. The destruction of the temples to the Old Gods appears to have driven a significant majority mad, or at least antagonistic to humans. Some; however, particularly those who worshipped the Savior on the Seas retained their loyalty to Dastria. They also retained the ability to communicate with, and to an extent, “persuade” their less amicable kin. Today, the Drowned Listrans maintain small populations clinging to the Glass Islands and the ruins of their once-proud city near Listra. Small numbers of deranged Drowned Listrans still wander the eastern fringes of the inland sea, occasionally attacking fishermen and merchants. Meanwhile, the subservient Drowned Listrans are employed by the banks, hiding and guarding their vast fortunes in vaults beneath the Glass Islands. There are rumors; however, that the Dastrian Navy has invested a significant amount of resources into weaponizing the deranged members of the Drowned Listran population. The third non-human minority are Golden Men of the Candari Wastes. The Golden Men are an enigmatic people who migrated from beyond the desert wastes of the north into the south until they reached the north coast of the Dastrian Sea. Their people, though mysterious, are considered a vital part of Dastrian society, existing outside of the rigid social hierarchy. Their martial culture produces hardened warriors that are vital parts of the Dastrian military. Their culture also places a premium on resource management and thrift, making their mindset of great worth to the navy and the banks alike. [/hider] [hider=Population] Population (total and by species): ? as of 490 DE 33% Alkan Humans 37% Ikalman 10% Golden Men of the Candari Wastes 2% Drowned Listrans 18% Varying ethnicities in the Confederated Territories ~23,000,000 in the colonial possessions [/hider] [hider=Government] Government: The Confederation is formally ruled by the Premier-Elect, styled His/Her Excellency the Premier of Dastria and its Confederation. In reality; however, the Confederation’s day-to-day affairs are run by the Grand Chancellor of Dastria. The legislature is known as the Citizens’ Assembly and is composed of an upper and lower house. The upper house is the Titled Chamber, where “titled citizens” of the National Territories (pre-existing nobles, prominent hereditary merchant families, large landowners, notable citizens) possess a seat. Due to its nature, its population fluctuates while actual power resides in very few within the chamber - the titled lords and merchants. The lower house is the Freemen’s Chamber, composed of representatives elected from the Confederated and National Territories. The lower house is mostly for show; however. Though it was once a powerful assembly, the rising power of the Titled Citizens led to the election of the first Grand Chancellor and the collapse of the Freemen’s Chamber. The Lower House elects the Premier-Elect from among its own to a ten-year term and the Upper House elects the Grand Chancellor for life or until he is deposed by a vote of no confidence. The Freemen rarely produce any meaningful discussion, as the number of Freemen in the chamber makes creating a consensus nigh-impossible. There are; however, some powers reserved to it. Taxes (but not tariffs) must be approved by them, the creation of new colonial territories is under their purview, along with votes of no confidence on the Grand Chancellor (though very rarely). Ultimately, the Premier-Elect is a figurehead representing the (free) people of the Confederation. The Premier; however, has the theoretical power to unseat the Grand Chancellor. Colonial Possessions are unrepresented in the Citizens’ Assembly. Confederated Territories possess autonomy, with their own local governments left intact. The National Territories are directly administered by the Confederate Government. [/hider] [hider=History] There are many places that the Confederation’s history could start - the founding of Dastria, the Uprisings of 1 Undame 103, the Treaty of Calia Island, the Voyage of Cancolo, The Civil War of 479 or the Dastrian Catastrophe of 499. This history; however, will be comprehensive. To be comprehensive, this history must go far to the east of the Dastrian Strait. This history begins where the Shining City of Alkadion ends. For whatever reason, around 700 years ago, Alkadion collapsed in the Sundering and dispersed the Alkan People all throughout what would become the Dastrian Sea. One group settled nearby, founding the City of Listra. Another group settled far to the west, beyond the great seas of sand and into the gates between two halves of the world. There was founded the City of Dastria. The two cities grew and prospered, taking advantage of their positions in shipping lanes, becoming naval powers all the while. Rival naval powers. After a series of wars, the City of Dastria was occupied and placed under the rule of the Listran Kings. For decades, the Dastrians toiled under their new monarchs until a revolt drove the Listrans from Dastria. The leader of the revolt was declared the First Premier of Dastria, and from then on the Dastrians foreswore monarchy, pledging to never be subject to any kings or foreign powers again. This year was declared the first year of the Dastrian Era, 1 DE. In the subsequent Listran War, the City of Listra was sacked and its naval empire was shattered. The City of Dastria fully dominated the area over the next century. Then, in 1 Undame (Month 1) of 103, popular uprisings in Dastria, and the restored city of Listra created a common Citizens’ Assembly. By 106, the Citizens’ Assembly seized control of both cities, effectively uniting them. All other polities in the Dastrian Sea joined soon after and by 181, the Confederated Cities of the Dastrian Sea was organized by the Treaty of Calia Island. In the chaos of the new nation’s birth; however, Luchmairisch raiders attacked and occupied several islands once held by Old Listra, making them some of the first colonies of their nascent colonial Empire. This single move would begin centuries of confrontation between the Luchmairisch and the Dastrians on the high seas. For a time from 103 to 313, the Freemen’s Chamber was able to exercise authority equal, if not superior to the Titled Chamber. The Premier-Elect originally held the powers now given to the Grand Chancellor and the Freemen were able to strike down laws passed by the Titled. This; however, came to a head in 314, when war broke out between the Freemen and the Titled. For 13 bloody years, war raged across the Dastrian Sea. Then, in 327 peace was signed, restoring the status quo. The Freemen’s political power only declined after this; however. One prominent Freeman, Edante Cancolo, fled Dastria along with several prominent Freemen to found colonies in the west and escape the turmoil in the cities in 330. This mission led to an era of expansion for Dastria and, while the Freemen were busy finding new lands, the Titled slowly seized power. Prominent Freemen families, too busy in the race for colonies, earned the ire of their fellows. In 377, the Freemen’s Chamber voted to conduct a military expedition against the Elves of Eidolon. Preparations were immediately set into motion. In the following year; however, several prominent Freemen funding the expedition were assassinated. With the Freemen in a panic, they attempted to redirect the backlash of the assassination toward the Titled Citizens. When they attempted to arrest them in 379; however, the Titled resisted and a civil war broke out as the Titled retreated to Listra. Four years later in 383, the Titled marched troops into Dastria and proclaimed one of their own Grand Chancellor. The Freemen surrendered, their rights to assemble and elect the Premier intact. In 420, the first Grand Chancellor died and another was elected, securing the reign of the Titled. Peace and expansion persisted until the year 499, when a crystal vein to the northwest of Dastria was over-exploited and rebounded, triggering the Dastrian Catastrophe. An earthquake and the ensuing fires and tsunami ravaged the western half of the city. In the end, thousands were killed and the nation still feels the wounds of its past. With Listra possessing the only major crystal resource in the Confederation, the Citizens’ Assembly was finally forced to incorporate Listra as a National Territory of Dastria in exchange for their crystal supplies. Today, Dastria stands once more. Shaken but steady. As the nation enters the sixth century, the Dastrian Lion stands ready to face whatever threats may come. The Premier-Elects of Dastria Marrici “the Great” Cavialo (1 DE - 39 DE) Antoni Cavialo (39 DE - 42 DE) Riana Cavialo-Adante (42 DE - 59 DE) Enrico Adante (59 DE - 60 DE) Teresa Risalla (60 DE - 89 DE) Ursula Cosanova (89 DE - 91 DE) Isana Cavialo (91 DE - 103 DE) Orman Sigea (103 DE - 106 DE) Arman Sigea (106 DE - 110 DE) Marrici II “the Last” Cavialo (110 DE - 145 DE) Forsana de Leon (145 DE - 169 DE) Forsana II de Leon (169 DE - 190 DE) Forsana III de Leon (190 DE - 193 DE) Forsana IV “the Last Lion” de Leon (193 DE - 199 DE) Anton Risalla (200 DE - 210 DE) Marena “the Wise” Cancolo (210 DE - 250 DE) Enrico “the Old” Primera (250 DE - 257 DE) Rico “Pirates’ Bane” Sigala (257 DE - 260 DE) Arollo della Blanca (260 DE - 270 DE) Rico “Pirates’ Bane” Sigala (270 DE - 300 DE) Orman “the Fool” II Sigea (300 DE - 303 DE) Marrici “the Undaunted” del Sol (303 DE - 310 DE) Orman “the Fool” II Sigea (310 DE - 314 DE) Marrici “the Undaunted” del Sol (314 DE - 317 DE) Arrigo “Dastriano” Cosanova (317 DE - 320 DE) Elena “the Coward” Cavalleri (320 DE - 330 DE) Elisa del Sol (330 DE - 349 DE) Anton Pariana (349 DE - 360 DE) Ricardo Cavalleri (360 DE - 377 DE) Marcelo Rivera (377 DE - 400 DE) Antonia Cavalleri (400 DE - 413 DE) Feridad Castarra (413 DE - 440 DE) Edoa della Blanca (440 DE - 452 DE) Mario Luna (452 DE - 460 DE) Pristina Covo (460 DE - 480 DE) Triano Luna (480 DE - 499 DE) Anton della Blanca (499 DE - 500 DE) Arrigo Candalo (500 DE - ) The Grand Chancellors of Dastria Isabella “the Gallant” d’Casta (377 DE - 390 DE) Mario Sigala (390 DE - 399 DE) Antonio Luminare (399 DE - 413 DE) Fernan Luminare (413 DE - 415 DE) Tresarrio Macete (415 DE - 456 DE) Marco Luminare (456 DE - 471 DE) Mario II Sigala (471 DE - 475 DE) Ursula “the Wise” d’Casta (475 DE - 481 DE) Primera Macete (481 DE - 485 DE) Renato “the Great” Macete (485 DE - 499 DE) Pedrico Luminare (499 DE - 500 DE) Marcio d’Casta (500 DE - ) [/hider] [hider=Economy] Economy: Dastria’s economy is largely dependent upon trade. Its advantageous position at the most convenient passage between east and west and its ability to impose its will upon all ships passing through have encouraged Dastria to dabble in, and eventually become a major player in international trade. This environment has led to the development of mercantile companies, the largest of which being the state-owned Azienda Popolare del Confederassione, whose Merchant Marine doubles as the reserve support arm of the Dastrian Navy. Its association with the Confederation Government; however, makes it inflexible with regulations and makes it subject to foreign policy. Its board is also composed of members of the Freemen’s Chamber, subjecting it to further government oversight. The second-largest mercantile company is the Societa Mercantile, based in the City of Listra. It is much freer in its dealings and less subject to government intervention. It is; however, heavily connected to the Titled Citizens and is widely rumored to be receiving illegal aid from the Confederation Government. Financial institutions are also well-established in Dastria. Merchants in need of safe places to deposit their money has encouraged the development of vaults, which evolved into banks. The four largest of which - The City Bank of Dastria, The City Bank of Listra, The Bank of the People of Dastria, and The Bank of the Blessed, being rich enough to possess their own highly trained private militaries. Dastrians also specialize in glass-making, though the industry is concentrated on the islands of Casta and Castina to the northeast. Dastrian glass is legendary for its clarity, lacking the color impurities present in others. They are also famed for their ship-building. A combination of a strong naval tradition, advanced facilities and vast wealth allows Dastria to be a primary source of cheap, quality ships in the region. [/hider] [hider=Army] Army: The Dastrian land forces are small, especially when compared to their Navy. The Confederation has no standing army, instead using fleet-based Marines for land operations. The organization that may best be known as a land force is the Carabinieri - a small, well-trained gendarmerie present in the major cities of the Confederation. They are mainly used to maintain order within the cities, and to defend them during sieges. The Dastrians also possess a second police force - the [i]“Le Forza di Banca”[/i] otherwise known as “Le Forza”. This is an organization numbering less than five thousand men originally tasked with transporting money from bank to bank, and guarding the banks. Over time they evolved to become involved in anti-counterfeiting operations, and chasing down and imprisoning debtors. It is even rumored that Le Forza has become the state espionage service and also serves as a secret police in the service of Titled bank-owners. Army Organization: The Dastrian Land Forces are organized as follows: [hider=The Carabinieri] The Carabinieri [hider=Regional Breakdown] National Integrated Command (HQ in Dastria) The Dastrian Guard (Dastria) 1st to 5th Dastrian Guard Battalions (1,000 Guards each) 1st to 20th Light Infantry Units (500 Light Infantry each) 1st to 10th Light Reserve Units (500 Light Infantry reserves) 1st to 20th General Reserve Units (500 Irregulars each) The Calia Island Guard (Calia) 21st to 30th Light Infantry Units (500 LI) 21st to 30th General Reserve Units (500 Irr) The Glass Island Guards (Casta) 31st to 40th Light Infantry Units (500 LI) 31st to 35th General Reserve Units (500 Irr) Confederated Territory Command (HQ in Listra) The Listran Guard (Listra) 1st to 5th Eastern Guard Battalions (1,000 Guards) 41st to 45th Light Infantry Units (500 LI) 36th to 45th General Reserve Units (500 Irr) The New Alkadion Guard (New Alkadion) 46th to 50th Light Infantry Units (500 LI) 46th to 50th General Reserve Units (500 Irr) East Colonial Guard Command (HQ in Sazalla) The Sazallan Guard (Sazalla) 1st to 10th Colonial Guard Battalions (1,000 Irregulars) The Eastern Mobile Reserve (Sazalla) 10th to 15th Colonial Guard Battalions (1,000 Irr) Northern Colonial Guard Command (HQ in Ravelia) The Ravelian Guard (Ravelia) 16th to 25th Colonial Guard Battalions (1,000 Irr) The Northern Mobile Reserve (Ravelia) 26th to 30th Colonial Guard Battalions (1,000 Irr) [/hider] Full Breakdown: 5 Dastrian Guard Battalions 5,000 in total 5 Eastern Guard Battalions 5,000 in total 10 Light Reserve Units 5,000 in total 30 Colonial Guard Battalions 30,000 in total 50 Light Infantry Units 25,000 in total 50 General Reserve Units 25,000 in total Total 95,000 [/hider] [hider=Le Forza] Le Forza di Banca The City Bank of Dastria Group Grifone (500 Guards) Group Drago (500 Guards) The City Bank of Listra Group Avvoltio (500 Guards) Group Falco (500 Guards) The Bank of the People of Dastria Group Incendio (500 Guards) Group Acqua (500 Guards) The Bank of the Blessed Group Fede (500 Guards) Group Verita (500 Guards) Full Breakdown: 8 Groups 4,000 in total Total 4,000 [/hider] Army Command: The Carabinieri as a whole does not fall under a single commander. The organization as a whole is subject to orders from the Premier-Elect. These powers are rarely exercised; however. True power is wielded by the Prime Adjudicators of each Guard Command. He is elected by and from among the commanders of each City Guard. City guard commanders, in turn, are appointed from Guard Battalion commanders by the City Councils. In the absence of Guard Battalions, the non-reserve units’ commanders may be appointed. Each of the Prime Adjudicators are required to report to the Grand Chancellor once every year. Le Forza as a whole does not also fall under a single commander. Le Forza, in fact, is less a single organization and more a collective name for the four banks’ security forces. [/hider] [hider=Navy] Navy: The Dastrian Navy is subdivided into three fleets: The Home Fleet, The Eastern Fleet, the Colonial Armada, and the Confederated Merchant Marine. The Home Fleet is tasked with guarding the Inner Sea and enforcing the Dastrian Toll on all ships passing through the straits. The fleet is composed mostly of galleys and galleases. The Home Fleet galleys are built for speed to catch up with ships carrying fugitives, failing to pay tolls, or otherwise commiting crimes within the inland sea. The Home Fleet is also composed of blue-water sailing ships for protecting the western fringes of Dastrian Territory from coastal pirates. Here, the Home Fleet is composed and functions similarly to the Eastern Fleet. The Eastern Fleet holds jurisdiction over the eastern Dastrian Sea, in the tight waters and islands near Listra. It also holds jurisdiction in Alkadion Bay and the eastern ocean. The fleet is primarily tasked with defending from pirate incursions from nearby Luchmeyern settlements. This fleet is composed of heavily armed sailing ships focused on attacking with heavy firepower. The Colonial Armada is a vast fleet distributed throughout the Dastiran colonial possessions. These ships are a common sight along most maritime trade routes, which they regularly and heavily patrol. Their ships are sailing ships built for speed to lure and escape from attackers. Heavily armed ships are left in reserve at ports, ready to be used for heavy attacks. Most ships in the fleet carry a complement of Marines, some ships are specialized troop transports. The Confederated Merchant Marine is a fleet of cargo ships handling the transport of cargo by state merchants across the colonies and territories. The Merchant Marine is not used for military affairs. They may; however, be enlisted into the regular navy upon the Premier-Elect’s order (one of their few remaining powers) to serve in offensive operations as warships or to transport troops and marines. Navy Organization: [hider=Regional Breakdown] The Home Armada (Dastria) The Western Fleet (Calia Island) First Rate 3 Second Rate 5 Third Rate 10 Fifth Rate 15 Sloops 10 Galleasses 5 L. Galleys 15 H. Galleys 10 The Inland Fleet (Dastria) Third Rate 5 Fifth Rate 10 Sixth Rate 20 Sloops 10 Galleasses 5 L. Galleys 50 H. Galleys 35 Bomb Ketches 10 The Eastern Fleet (Listra) First Rate 2 Second Rate 5 Fifth Rate 10 Sixth Rate 10 Sloops 10 Galleasses 15 Bomb Ketches 10 The Colonial Armada (Ravelia) First Rate 15 Second Rate 20 Third Rate 25 Fifth Rate 40 Sixth Rate 50 Sloops 50 Galleasses 20 Light Galleys 10 Heavy Galleys 5 Bomb Ketches 5 [/hider] Full Breakdown: Class Count Crew Guns & Marines Rated First R 20 18,000 2,000-2,240 Second R 30 22,500 2,700-2,940 Third R 50 32,500 3,200-4,200 Fifth R 75 31,500 3,750-4,050 Sixth R 80 16,000 1,600-2,400 Sloops 80 10,000 1,920-2,400 Unrated Galleasses 30 7,500 Light Galleys 75 7,950 Heavy Galleys 50 10,600 Bomb Ketches 25 2,500 Naval Command: Unlike their land forces, the Dastrian Navy falls under a much more centralized chain of command. Their institution itself is a core element of Dastria, sometimes even rivalling the civilian government for influence. The very lowest level of organization in the navy is the ship. The lowest rank aboard a ship is the deck-hand, informally recruited adolescents serving as menial labor aboard ships. Above is the sailor-enlist, a formally registered member of the Dastrian Navy. Next are the ship-masters such as the quartermaster, gunnery command, the deck-officers for each deck of the ship, the chaplain, among others. Above them all is the Captain. Captains are selected from ship-masters who have served for at least six years aboard a ship in any capacity. They are assigned ratings according to the ships they man, from Unrated to First Rate. Ships are organized into squadrons, three of which (rear, van, and center) are organized into a Commandery under the command of an Admiral. An Admiral is at least a Fourth Rate Captain elevated into a position of command. A varying number of Commanderies then make up a Fleet, all under an officer known as the First Admiral.. There are at least five fleets in the Dastrian Navy - the Inland, Western, Eastern Fleets and at least two fleets under the Colonial Armada. The number of fleets varies, especially in the Colonial Armada which is frequently recomposed. The larger bodies known as “Armadas” - Home and Colonial, are led by Grand Admirals manning First Rates. The Home Armada does not usually function as a single body; however, in times of necessity, the First Admiral of the Inland Fleet is named Grand Admiral of the Home Armada. The Colonial Armada is organized under the command of a Grand Admiral who reports to Dastria once a year. The civilian government wields control over the navy through the Office of the Provost-General under the Premier-Elect. The Provost-General must be a retired Grand Admiral sworn to uphold the Confederation’s civilian interests first. Their actions; however, are subject to review by the Council of 20, an assembly of 10 Freemen and 10 Titled. Together, the Provost-General, the Grand Admiral of the Colonial Armada, and the First Admirals of the Eastern, Western, and Inland Fleets are known as the College of the Admiralty, the true supreme authority in naval affairs. [/hider] [hider=Culture and Society] Culture and Society: Dastrian Culture is marked by a paradoxical love of freedom and order. Nowhere is this best embodied but by the Golden Book of Dastria, the book holding the names of all the Titled Citizens of the Confederation. In its front page is inscribed “Anyone may write, but nothing is erased”. The book contains the records of the most privileged class in all Dastria, with power equal to the nobility of kingdoms but the ink of a pen is all that is necessary to edit it. Many Titled families from times long gone claim to have originally claimed their status by an ancestor sneaking into the Golden Book’s vault and quickly writing their names into it, a fact attested in some cases by messily scrawled and often misspelled surnames. Dastria’s paradox is also embodied by the strict social hierarchy maintained ever since the oldest days of the Confederation. For centuries, citizens have been divided into Freemen, and the Titled. Mobility between the two is possible; however, it is only possible once a year, at the end of La Fiera, when long, disorderly lines line the National Registry where records are kept, and only the most dedicated remain to the end. There is; however, a limited number of positions, and all applicants to become Titled are heavily scrutinized. The process itself is also considered prohibitively expensive by many. Within the Freemen Class itself, there are several divisions - Artisans, Students, Sailors, and the like. Each has their own outfits, and even etiquette as prescribed by law. The most notable Freemen subdivisions are the Navali, Vetrai, Soldati, Leoni, Burocrati, and the Emerito. The Navale are Freemen in service to the Dastrian Navy who are granted a yearly pension by the government. The Vetrai are the glass-blowers of the Glass Islands who also receive a yearly pension and are a hereditary class. The Leoni are members of La Leoni del Mare, the Dastrian marines, which is also a hereditary position. The Burocrate are civil servants who staff government positions. Finally are the Emerito - former Navale, Soldati, and Leoni who served until rendered incapable by injury or old age and awarded for their distinction in service. The Navale through Burocrate are respected members of Dastrian society, and often allowed to request for pensions. The Emerito; however, are an extremely special class. While the Navale through Burocrate are granted special consideration in annual entitlements, the families of Emerito are granted Entitlement once a slot is opened by the National Registry. In their society, there is little to no discrimination based on gender, or sexuality. Most Dastrians consider themselves bisexual from birth, with little reservations as to who or what they fall in love with. Women are also afforded equal rights as men in this society, considered equally able to go on business ventures, to man a ship, and to serve the Confederation equally. Humans and Ikalman live in relative peace and consider one another equals, if not complementing parts of a single whole where humans do the hard labor, and provide physical protection, while the Ikalman provide their minds in service of the whole. There are; however, notable limitations on the Ikalman - they are discouraged from service in the Carabinieri, but are somewhat encouraged to join the Navy. Humans are also themselves discouraged from entering the financial sector where they face heavy competition from the Ikalman. [/hider] [hider=Religion] Religion: The Dastrian state religion, as mandated by the Treaty of Calia Island, is the Cult of the Sea-Saint Marcinea, Successor of the Old Gods, Patron of the Waves and Wind, Protector of Dastria, and, as of 391 DE, its Sole Primarch. Worship is centered around the eponymous Sea-Saint Marcinea, regarded as the successor of the Gods of Salt and Sea. According to state doctrine, Marcinea controls the sea and wind currents upon which the Dastrian state relies. Worship entails mass prayers in local temples, the largest and most central of which being the True Mausoleum of the Sea-Saint in Dastria. Marcinea is regarded to exist in three inseparable forms - the Evangelist, the Defender, and the Adjudicator, each representing the three values of unity, valor, and justice. Marcio the Evangelist is said to represent the unity of Dastrian ideals throughout the Confederation, spreading the word of their religion and ideals throughout all their holdings, and all the world. The Evangelist is the patron of the sailors braving the wind and tide to connect the natio. Marcia the Defender represents the nation’s unwavering solidarity to protect its lands. Marcia is the patron of the Leoni del Mare, protectors of the confederation. Marci the Adjudicator is the protector of fairness and justice in the Confederation. Marci is an enigma, working in long, complex schemes spanning decades but ultimately bringing justice. The Adjudicator is patron of merchants and bankers, but also of the common people. In all its schemes, the Adjudicator will always favor the Citizens of the Confederation in the end. The Carabinieri take the Adjudicator as their patron, as protectors of order and justice in the myriad cities of Dastria. The Sea-Saint is also regarded as father and protector of the Ikalman. According to legend, the first Ikalman were born as the product of the human Sea-Saint and the child of a Sea God in the form of a squid. The children born were considered affronts to nature, and an offense to the Sea Gods. The Sea-Saint was cast from the heavens, his mate slain, and their children banished from the waves but cursed to be forever drawn to it. Historically, the cult itself was an offshoot of the many polytheistic cults of the Alkadian Empire. After its fall, most of the cults relocated their headquarters to Listra. The Dastrians; however, united themselves around the minor cult of the Savior on the Seas, Marci. The cult; however, was apparently crushed during the Fall of Dastria, when Listran troops looted the old temple to Marci and returned sacred relics to a Listran temple in an attempt to establish religious dependence. The citizens of Dastria; however, kept the cult very much alive, using it as a symbol in the build-up toward the last Listran War. Soon, the resurgent cult and the Dastrian independence movement were synonymous as cries of “Return the Sea-Saint!” resounded throughout the Listran Hegemony. The Last Listran War resulted in the return of Marci’s relics, and the elevation of the Savior Marci to Sea-Saint Marcia of Dastria. The Listran temples were subsequently looted and utterly destroyed, as the Sea-Saint had apparently made its superiority above all the old gods clear. [/hider] [hider=Traits] Traits: [b]The Banks and Le Forza di Banca[/b] Dastria boasts an impressive network of banks within its myriad territories, allowing for a variety of advantages to its merchants and those of other countries who are willing to accept it. Furthermore, the banks possess a security force - [i]Le Forza di Banca[/i] otherwise known as “Le Forza”. Le Forza originally served as the bank’s security guards but have since evolved, taking on a small fleet to guard shipments of valuables between branches, collecting debts, and becoming the unofficial espionage service of the Confederation as a whole. [i]Provides economic and relations bonuses to countries that accept a Banking Deal with the Confederation. All banks also conduct espionage within their locales.[/i] [b]The Dastrian Canal[/b] A tiny 15km stretch of land once separated the Dastrian Sea and the west. After many years and many used-up crystals, the City of Dastria linked two halves of the world by the wind and waves. The Dastrians have taken full advantage of their position since, imposing tolls on all those who would enter the canal and providing services and trade to weary travellers. [i]Allows ships to pass through the Dastrian Isthmus. Provides economic bonuses to anyone who holds the City of Dastria.[/i] [b]Stado di Mare - State of the Sea[/b] Dastrians’ relative inexperience in land wars and long maritime history have allowed them to grow a large maritime empire stretching from one hemisphere to the other. This experience on the high seas also gives them a strong shipping and shipbuilding industry. Their reliance on the waves; however, forces their settlements and colonies to cling to it for dear life, leaving them with weak raw resource production but also giving them incentive to industrialize. [i]Justifies and limits the sprawling sea-clinging colonial empire. All Confederate cities are specialized as harbors and/or shipyards. Incentivizes industrialization. Demands a strong navy to maintain.[/i] [b]The Dastrian Merchant Marine[/b] A vast maritime and mercantile empire requires a powerful force to move goods from place to place. This is the work of the merchant marine. Every day, immense ships full of goods set sail, moving from place to place in the Confederation. The merchant marines bring the Confederation’s wares from harbor to harbor, bringing wealth to their homeland. Sometimes; however, they bring far more than wares. In times of desperate need, the Merchant Marine is expropriated by the Confederation Navy and used to transport troops and weapons. [i]Allows for goods to travel from one harbor to another relatively quickly and safely. May be called upon at times of great need to supplement the navy’s strength[/i] [b]Leoni del Mare - “Lions of the Sea”[/b] In lieu of a powerful army, the Dastrians maintain a vast fleet capable of projecting soft power where needed. This soft power is supplemented by the small but efficient Leoni, the Dastrian Marines, specialized in dealing quick amphibious strikes. [i]Creates the Dastrian Leoni[/i] [/hider] [hider=Foreign Relations] Foreign Relations: Yuukoma Capitulation Agreements Eidolona Trade Agreement, Sea Protection Agreement, Defensive Pact Xamancha Trade Agreement, Sea Protection Agreement, Trade Concessions, Free Travel Achik Trade Agreement [/hider] [hider=Rolls] Rolls: Population: n Land Area: 15 Land Fertility: 6 Social Development: 11 Technological Development: 18 Land Power: 6 Naval Power: 20 Economy: 20 Magical Reserves: 3 Magical Sophistication: 4 [/hider] [/hider]