Alright so here's a temp CS for y'all to start running ideas by me. To be clear [b]THIS IS NOT THE FULL CS[/b], that will come with the OOC, where I have more background information laid out. [hider=Temp CS] [b]Name:[/b] Claim your demon [b]Appearance:[/b] Link an image or describe your demonic form. If you have a human host, describe that too. [b]Powers:[/b] Angels were once imbued with the power of creation by [b]GOD[/b]. What power do you hold now, twisted by your millennia of imprisonment in Hell? [b]Personality:[/b] Demons are inhuman creatures, each one older than the Earth itself. Take that into consideration as you describe your character and attitudes. [b]Allegiance:[/b] Who do you claim loyalty to? The Morningstar? One of his usurpers? Or to none but yourself? [b]Legions:[/b] What demonic legions do you command? Describe them here.[/hider] Again, the real CS will have more going on, but this is enough to get you started.