[center][h1][b][color=C9A486]4[/color][/b][/h1][/center] Amber had an idea, an idea simply to ensure that Jack was not actually a man who could tell when people were lying. So she lied to him, about mostly everything she was about to say, and by doing so – assuring he didn’t catch her out on it – she would prove, if only to herself for the sake of peace of mind, that he did not always know when people were lying. ‘I don’t know my real parents.’ She said, looking him dead in the eyes. ‘I was adopted and raised by a man that abused me in every way a person can be abused, and in every way a girl can be abused as well. If you know what I mean…. He made me feel like nothing. Every day. Felt like nothing. Good for nothing. Then… when he died, at last, I was stuck. Stuck in Greenfalls, stuck in the house he left me, unable to move on because I don’t feel like I can do it alone. Somewhere deep inside me, sometimes, I feel like I could do it - I could leave and be strong on my own in this word. But in the end his voice in my head keeps telling me I can’t. I just can’t. I’m good for nothing. And his voice always wins. I’m… just scared that if I do try… that somehow life itself with punish me and abuse me just like he did. So I stay, in his house, where I’m safe. Where life can’t hurt me like he did.’ Jack’s face slowly dropped in a depressed lull. By time Amber stopped speaking he felt a twisting knot of anger in his chest towards her father and what he had done to her. He wanted to kill people like that. In his sombre regard of her, lost in his pity for her, he took up his mug and had a sip from it. ‘That’s…’ He cleared his throat as he placed the mug back on the table. ‘I’m really sorry that happened to you.’