[hider=Prototype CS] Full Name: [i]Currently Unknown[/i] Age: [i]Currently Unknown[/i] ID Number: [b]MR-0269-UU[/b] Nationality: [i]Currently Unknown[/i] (Found in Algeria) Appearance: - Tall, Thin, and Sleek body shape - Shadow-like colors - Large maw, no other apparent facial features - Body constantly shifting and changing forms and shape Background: [i]MR-0269-UU had been captured from Algeria. His origin is unknown. His name, personal information, and background is unknown. [/i] Powers: Primary 1: Can cause major mental trauma to five different targets. Secondary 1: Can communicate with up to three others through telepathy. Primary 2: Can have minor influence over a single target. Secondary 2: Can create illusions that affect two targets. Privileges: Airtight bulk door, No windows, Maximum security, blue lights [/hider] This is a prototype CS, so everything here is still subject to change...