[@ShepherdOfHope] Just about any permutation of magic could be used in a "supportive" manner. Though magic for Sorcerers is an art, their own craft, not merely something for battle, which something to keep in mind. In fact, some Sorcerers consider the use of magic for violence to be utterly vulgar. [@ShwiggityShwah] Alchemy would be more akin to actual chemistry in this setting; the Photepi people have a strong grasp on natural science as well as magic. Depending on what you actually wanted to do, you could pursue any number of disciplines: Telekinesis, Biomancy, Technomancy... Just feel free to hit me with some more specifics. I suppose I've been remiss in not outlining how magic works on a personal level. It would probably help to a certain extent to think of them like psychic powers; they're an innate power/force/energy that your character has access to, and with practice, study, focus, and discipline they can access them more reliably and achieve more profound effects with them. Sorcerers engage in such advanced work that requires incantations and other physical demonstrations, ritual sites and reagents, or even the cooperation of other Sorcerers. It's very possible and even common for Sorcerers to branch out into many different magical disciplines but most tend to focus on one or another for the majority of their work to avoid being jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. It's actually a requirement to ascend in rank within the Cults; kind of like how you can't graduate college without a major.