[img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/2d2297fece3157f77ef0bf03ec7cbbd3/tenor.gif?itemid=5000753[/img] Even in a place as forgotten as The Collar, The people need a hero. Who knew the hero on his jerryrigged grannybike-motor engine duel runner combo painted in such bombastic colours, was none other then a mild-mannered textiles worker! It doesn't matter what the hour is! The Sun will rise and lead people to a brighter future! A hero born out of the need to make children smile, aspiring to make The Collar a better place. Of course he would pledge his aid to the Bulwark Breakers as early as day one. Such villains couldn't be allowed to oppress the weak! [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0s2ep_HbUM[/youtube] ~~important theme~~