Vykosa scoffed at Fendros. “Do you always bend so easily in the face of resistance? It is good that it is not you this one seeks.” The Khajiit stepped up closer to Meesei, though she did not make any moves that would necessarily be considered “aggressive”. To any onlookers, Meesei, in her werewolf form clad in dragon armor, was the more imposing figure between the two, though Vykosa, of course, did not show any signs of being intimidated. “Vykosa has no interest in being ‘led’ by you, lizard. You have your warriors dressing up in armor and playing soldier like these weak mortals.” She growled, gesturing a hand towards Teroiah and gro-Tagnud. “…but we will not interfere with you. If you want to line up in formations and pretend to be soldiers, you may, but we will storm Vile’s realm and lay waste to any resistance he dares to throw at us.” “On one condition.” A voice sounded out nearby, though it was not Meesei. Ri’vashi turned away from the map and set her stern gaze upon Vykosa. She wore newly-forged and enchanted ebony armor, with an ebony sword on her hip in the same Akaviri style as her father’s blade. “You and your warriors can do whatever you want once you are through the portal, but our plans require timing, and only so many can pass through the portal at once. We will decide [i]when[/i] you go through.” Fortunately, Vykosa did not seem to take offense at the demand. “Very well. You have created this portal, so Vykosa will grant you that much.” Ri’vashi returned her attention to the map. “How many lycans will we be sending through?” “All of them.” Vykosa replied. Ri’vashi grunted in annoyance. “I mean, what is the size of your pack?” “I mean [i]all[/i] lycans.” Vykosa answered again. “The Moon Hunter pack is the strongest, but [i]every[/i] lycanthrope that has ever lived and died will be joining Hircine on this hunt.”