Greetings! Whenever talking out of character, I go by "Ben", I'm a dad to a 5 year old, and an aspiring writer. ^_^ I've been involved in roleplaying since, sheesh, Jr. High? I'll be 35 this summer, so, I've been involved in RP, in one system or another, for more than half my life, at this point. You could say I grew up on Homebrews, Rifts, old World of Darkness, and Dungeons&Dragons (but mostly Rifts and other Palladium settings). In more recent years I've played a lot of Pathfinder 1st Ed and 5th Ed D&D (even doing a bit of GMing in the former), with the occasional dabbling in other games like Hollow Earth Expedition, a few additional Palladium settings and even a recent homebrew. I really miss play by post, which I also have experience with, and I really enjoy for the freedom of play and the lack of scheduling issues, since it's whenever I can hop on, usually. I especially appreciate rp as an aspiring writer, since I find that consistently engaging in creative activity helps me maintain a flow of ideas and creative energy for my pet projects as I try to get published! I really enjoy a variety of post-apocalyptic scenarios, as well as fantasy, science fiction, and combinations thereof. Horror is something I'd really love to explore, since it's a favorite topic of mine to write in graphic novel scripts! I'm interested in learning new game styles (nation role play is something I don't think I've heard of, for example), but more than anything else I have a hankering for some regular roleplaying, preferably with other adults.