[center][h1][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmM2MTAyZC5RbVZzdzZsdUlFTmhjblIzY21sbmFIUWcuMA,,/alifiyah.regular.png[/img][/h1] [img]https://external-preview.redd.it/JVoKfePxq0fb4VjkbsKogAMHJdpbKjF_7E7JR7w9Mh8.jpg?auto=webp&s=d66917b9d980438105b6b803a3d8563db3b693a7[/img] [h1]╚══════════════╝[/h1][/center] Belen gave up looking at her phone hours ago. The only thing worth doing was play games and that got old fast. She's bored. Other than her ipod playing on the stereo, not a peep out of Gregorio or Cruz, the car was silent, the landscape was desert, sand, and red mountains. Fucking boring. "Where are we going?" Her tenth time asking and they haven't given her an answer yet. "Somewhere safe. Don't worry." Gregorio replied, his voice deep and gruff. "I'm not." She didn't have a reason to. They always protected her and the rifles besides them, plus the trunk full of weapons didn't give her a reason to worry. "Nothing from mama?" "No. Sorry." She didn't expect there to be any word. She hasn't seen her in three days. No one answered her satellite phone. Her bodyguards weren't heard from either. So she's either alive or dead. Great. One of four people in her life that doesn't annoy her was missing. They drove for a little while longer, before she saw a house in the distance. They were headed straight for it. "What the hell is that?" "A pit stop. We can hull up here for the night, then continue to our destination." She wasn't going to complain. The house was gorgeous, smaller than her mansion, but big enough to be comfortable that's for sure. They pulled up to the drive way. Her guards got out of the car with their weapons. She followed suit. "Stay in the car. We'll check it out. Make sure it's safe." Cruz tried to block her, but her [url=https://us.louisvuitton.com/images/is/image/lv/1/PP_VP_L/louis-vuitton--AH5U6BDMGR_PM1_Side%20view.jpg?wid=480]gray LV sneakers[/url] already touched the red dirt. "Oh would you look at that. My shoes are dirty. No point not walking around in them now." She hefted her travel bag onto her shoulder and checked Cruz out of the way. She kept her right hand in her bag, finger on the trigger of her gun. It'd be a waste to ruin her back with a bullet hole, but the element of surprise and all. "Stay behind me." Cruz shut the doors, while Gregorio locked the truck, then they started towards the house. It was hotter than in San Diego. Her hair sweat out and frizzed up and it's only been five minutes. Great. Frizzy in this shit. At least she had the wherewithal to wear a [url=https://us.louisvuitton.com/images/is/image/lv/1/PP_VP_L/louis-vuitton--FISW99TSR702_PM2_Front%20view.jpg?wid=480&hei=480]bikini top[/url] and [url=https://us.louisvuitton.com/images/is/image/lv/1/PP_VP_L/louis-vuitton--FIPA33TSQ702_PM2_Front%20view.jpg?wid=480&hei=480]shorts[/url]. Cruz and Belen went to the front door, his rifle up and ready, while Gregorio went around the back. So far nothing seemed out of the normal. Cruz twisted the handle. It was unlocked. He waited and listened, but didn't hear anything on the other side, but that didn't stop him from slowly opening the door just encase. It let into an open foyer and a chandler above them. No one was around. Empty so far. Belen closed the door behind them. They heard a door open passed the stairs. They silently went passed and saw Gregorio checking the kitchen and living room. Nothing so far. It seemed the house was empty. "Srta. Belen, wait here, while we check the rest of the house." Gregorio motioned to the couch. She was content to sit there and wait, they were inside now. Not too much could happen or sneak up on her when all she had to focus on was open layout. Not too many places for someone to hide if they missed anything down stairs. She sat on the couch with the back to the wall and kept her eyes peeled while she waited for them to finish the sweep.