[b]The Nightmare Roc![/b] You started existing just a little bit ago. When you came into existence with a flash of power and will, you knew that you were the nightmares of Princess Alina Cascade. You were born of her, from her, for her. That's the whole of your world so far. And that's why, when Princess Alina Cascade starts to tell you who you are, you listen, beating your wings in a torrent to keep yourself upright as you clench your claws into the walls of this chamber. You [i]listen.[/i] And you decide that if she's not afraid of you, that means you get to decide what you're going to be. You toss her up into the air, and watch as she plummets, but you don't lift a feather, because you know she'll whip out her light and catch herself. With a beat of your wings, instead, you soar upwards. You will find the ceiling of this chamber and break through until you see the sky, and find the storms, and in them find the wind and the rain that make life worth living. *** [b]Adila![/b] The snake-wife is smashing through chamber after chamber, going down, down, downwards -- away from Dandy. The bog is spilling out all around you, dank and filthy water, but there's no way it's going to drain fast enough to save Dandy. She's all alone up there, stuck at the bottom of a slowly-draining swamp, and [i]bad girl! Bad! You left her![/i] The snake-wife is ignoring you, but as she wriggles along, her throat is forcing you down deeper. It's taking all your strength just to stay where you are, running the Red Queen's Race with all your might, and [i]bad girl! Bad! You left her![/i] [i]You are the watchdog, the Hound of Devilhome! You protect! Bad girl![/i] *** [b]Kathelia![/b] "Order! Order! We call this market court to order!" The chaos and uproar all around subsides, if only barely. The Market Judge looks down at you over the top of his spectacles, sitting on a throne made out of law journals. You have been locked in pillories that keep your hands up by your head, which means that Kyouko's ears, sticking out of her pompoms, are the only visible parts of her face, so she can't see any glares that, say, a nerd might be giving her over the public humiliation. "We charge the accused with attempts to break market peace, attempts to circumvent the Laws of Queen Eupheria, criminal mischief, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy! This being done, we find the accused guilty on all counts!" Hold on, what? Aren't you supposed to get the chance to defend yourself?? "We sentence them to a fine no less than what they hold on their person, to be given trendy souvenirs with a never-lose charm so that they may advertise the market in all subsequent chambers, to be given no less than fifty spanks with a paddle to be delivered to the rear, and then to be cast out of the market! Open the door and prepare the paddle!" He bangs his gavel on a souvenir paperweight and a gremlin scurries off to fetch the keys, even as the kettle drums begin their ominous beat and the Ceremonial Paddle of the Market is presented by Penny of Penny's Paddles and Pastries. But even now, there's a chance, if you can somehow break free from your restraints and go after that gremlin, to avoid absolute humiliation in front of a crowd! Go ahead and roll to Get Away, if you like, or just take your lumps.