Lena had been walking for hours...The sun was going down and that’s never a good thing. Especially not in the apocalypse. She was traveling down an old road littered with ruined cars. Broken glass, stolen tires, burnt tires, you name it, it was there. She was weaving through all of them trying to keep herself covered. She hadn’t seen another living person in what felt like an eternity, but out here, the biggest threats are the ones you only see when it’s too late to escape. While working her way through the cars, she kept on hand on her best knife in case someone finally popped out. Lena was listening for any sort of movement as she moved, a can rolling around, footsteps, hell, a branch to break even. Like usual, she had about 6 or 7 knives on her person, but her best was 9 inches long and nice and light for stabbing people. But it’s been a while since she got to fight someone, or even sleep. She hadn’t slept more than an hour or two in a while. She was used to it by now. That was when she saw the house. There wasn’t any other house out here for miles, so it stuck out like a sore thumb. It was big. Huge even. But the problem was the people that she could very faintly see moving around up there. Might as well give it a shot. Another few minutes passed and she was finally at the bottom of the hill, a good 50 feet away from everyone else. She was slowly creeping up there to scope things out. She could see two people, they weren’t the ones she had seen earlier, those people were armed. Lena wasn’t too far behind these two strangers, but it’d be best to stay hidden, so she didn’t advance any further. Thankfully, it was quiet enough - in the apocalypse, surprisingly - for Lena to hear what they’re saying to some degree. Something about a sister? She couldn’t make it all out very well. Oh well. Maybe this was the break she was looking for. She kept her grip on her knife, and tried her best to not make a sound at the bottom of the hill, keeping her eyes locked dead on the two girls ahead of her.