[quote=@Kuro] [@LetMeDoStuff][@Wolverbells] Question; will this RP be sandbox-like, or do you have a set general idea or storyline/plot line for each (or all) of the branches? I know you mentioned that players will have the freedom to make their own side plots, curated missions, etc., but I figured to ask as Stuff mentioned that this RP won't have a direct connection to the canonical story and that there might be some small or even large changes to the established lore of AoT. [/quote] It's going to be semi-sandbox in that regard, with there being a large overarching story that slowly creeps in over time. Most of the RP will feature player-made situations, small missions and/or the off-duty and out-of-combat lifestyles of each character. When it comes to the branches, each will have its own major part to play in the main story, whilst there will also be certain triggered events I'll throw in over time to bring everyone together if people have divided themselves too much. With the training arc, it'll be a little less of that freedom due to training being quite universal but that out of action interaction will still be very much present. [centre][b]In terms of a general idea, the overall idea [i]is[/i] the Western Siege, the "war" to either reclaim territory or hold the line against increasing Titan waves.[/b][/centre] As for story differences, there may be a very long delay for the ideas of Shifters coming in, and if they do I imagine they will not be directly on our side, as to add more difficulty and level the playing field of our experienced soldiers at that time. Hope this information was helpful!