[quote=@Kaggs] Imma just leave this here [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtzlKJ1dObU[/youtube] [/quote] Japanese people suck at directing English speakers. Look at the dub for Final Fantasy XIII for example; It was directed by the Japanese staff who wanted the VA's to emulate the Japanese mannerisms. Vanille is the most obvious example of how this can go to complete shit, as she does all the cutesy sounds her Japanese counterpart makes, but they come across as super jarring because anyone who speaks English doesn't make those sounds. Another example I'm familiar with in the immediate moment is the freshly released Ashley Taylor for the NA servers of Magia Record. Sally Amaki must've been told to have all her sentences to inflect upwards, 'cause the performance sounds so fucking weird. It's like a Japanese speech pattern superimposed onto normal english sentences, and you just get the feeling "nobody speaks like this" which would've sounded fine if the lines were Japanese instead. EDIT: OH YEAH SHENMUE WAS DIRECTED BY JAPANESE PEOPLE TOO. That dub is infamously terrible.