[hider=Hatanaka Yoko][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uxfvEek.png[/img][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/B0dEcLr.jpg[/img] [hr] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUwApqwnknw[/youtube] [color=yellow][h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"Truly, I wanted no part of this but here I am."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=yellow]▼ [b]| BIRTH NAME : | [/b][/color] [indent]Hatanaka Yoko[/indent] [color=yellow]▼ [b]| ALSO KNOWN AS: |[/b][/color] [indent]Her gang name would be Little Dragon.[/indent] [color=yellow]▼ [b]| GENDER : | [/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=yellow]▼ [b]| AGE : |[/b][/color] [indent]19[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=yellow][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"I don't work out to look good. I work out to be my best."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=yellow]▼ [b]| P H Y S I C AL S T A T S : |[/b][/color] [indent][indent] [color=yellow][b]▸ HEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 4'9ft. [color=yellow][b]▸ WEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 90lb. [color=yellow][b]▸ ETHNICITY : |[/b][/color] Japanese. [color=yellow][b]▸ HAIR COLOR : |[/b][/color] Black. [color=yellow][b]▸ EYE COLOR : |[/b][/color] Brown. [/indent][/indent] [color=yellow]▼ [b]| PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : |[/b] [/color] [indent]Yoko, while small as hell, carries one impressive ass aura around herself. She's around four-nine but she makes up for it by having one hell of a bite and a bark. She constantly gives off the aura of resting bitch face and makes herself hard to approach as possible. One probably wouldn't approach her anyway given her horrendous body odor and the fact that she's very unladylike. Now to get to the meat: yes, Yoko is East-Asian, pureblooded Japanese. Her skin is a golden yellowish tone, her eyes are slanted, and her hair is pretty straight (and also a black color). Back onto her traits; yes, Yoko is a tomboy and a humongous one. Her black hair is cut short into a pseudo-pixie cut, she usually wears dresses or anything, and she's very well built. Seriously, she goes to the gym and works out in her spare time so she's very very cut. Her attire covers up her body well given that she usually wears clothes a few sizes too big... and is very unfashionable. Though, she hides a bust of around 38H behind all of her heavy clothing, except no butt.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=yellow][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"Oi!"[/i][/center] [indent] [color=yellow][b]▼ | PERSONALITY : | [/b][/color] [indent]Confident but also an enormous pain in the ass. Due to years of living out in a rural place with no one around her but a bunch of men and boys... her personality matches it. Yoko is a loud, rude, outspoken young girl that isn't afraid to mince words. That's because of the way she is, she's innately impatient. She wants to get to the point and has no time dancing around subjects. Unfortunately, this can earn her the ire of the people around her and unfortunately for them: she doesn't give a shit. She's very passionate and kind, however, and interactions with her will show that, despite her confidence, she is very humble. She likes and breathes self-improvement and loves her family no matter what.[/indent] [color=yellow][b]▼ | SKILLS : | [/b][/color] [indent] [color=yellow][b]Bōjutsu[/b][/color] A skill her grandfather taught her as he was a master at the staff. Not exactly something that Yoko can use in a fight, but it's something she's passionate about. [color=yellow][b]Cook[/b][/color] Yoko was taught by her mom how to cook and she also works as a cook in her family restaurant. [color=yellow][b]Trilingual[/b][/color] Yoko is fluent in Japanese (naturally), English, and French, due to attending an international school. [/indent] [color=yellow][b]▼ | BACK STORY : | [/b][/color] [indent]Yoko was born in very rural Japan. It was a very strange place, but it was at home. It was a special kind of rustic that Yoko pines for, but moving on. The Hatanaka family was a simple one: there was a wife, a husband, a daughter, and a son. Yoko was the daughter. Given that it was rural Japan, technology and other stuff were a rare commodity so she went playing outside along with her brother, Goro. Goro and Yoko were two of the closet friends out there! They had all sorts of fun, but death struck the Hatanaka family when their mother died of cancer. That was the first major change in their life which lead her to be super close with her older brother. He was into sports and working out, so Yoko joined him and also had a heavy presence of her grandfather in her life. So... in other words: Yoko didn't have a whole lot of ladies in her life. Which lead to her taking after the men in her life - not that was a bad thing but it was rather unusual. Yoko went to a normal school out in their small town - but eventually, their father and grandfather had other bigger ideas. They felt like Yoko and Goro wouldn't get the education they wanted out in the sticks, so her father arranged for her to attend an international school. The Bordeaux International School in France. Once they were both of age they were shipped there. France was definitely a change of pace but Yoko learned excellent skills there, and she also picked up on English and French while in the international school. However, she met her best friend there... the first female friend she ever had: Nakamura Aiko. The two were quite alike... both were Japanese tomboys that were shunted to France. Except, Aiko was from Los Angeles and Yoko was from Japan. Despite that minor difference Yoko and Aiko became the two best of friends and they shared their common interests. They both graduated school and went home... which for Yoko ended up being Los Angeles, which was where their friendship continued. They lived on completely separate ends of the city but they would still make time for each other. Yoko went to University in LA while also working at a Japanese restaurant her aunt worked at. However, there was an incident that changed everything for Yoko, Aiko, and Goro. Yoko finally met Aiko's family and after some chatting, she realized that there was some bad blood between the Hatanakas and the Nakamura's (Or at least that's what Aiko told her). They forbade Yoko from ever seeing Aiko again and never to come near them. However, Yoko had nary a clue as to why... nor a plan to follow the Nakamura's wishes because screw them. The two talked however they could and eventually they met in person. That was where things fell apart... Aiko made a confession to Yoko that shook up their entire dynamic. Things didn't go as planned and Aiko underwent an explosive Manifestation-Event... which in term also caused Goro and Yoko to manifest their powers as well. Except, Goro was injured during the chaos and ended up in a coma - while Aiko fled into the night being chased by FAMA. She got away but Yoko vowed to get Aiko to pay for her actions... in blood if she has to. Thus has been tracking Aiko down... except for the fact that her power is a pain in the tits. In fact, she wondered how in the hell she became a Deltahuman in the first place? Unless Goro or Aiko were exposed to the energies she had no clue because she never even seen a crystal. Nonetheless, Yoko has been searching for Aiko... except until the incident occurred and LA got destroyed. Now her new goals are survival at any cost and trying to protect her family in the chaos. Maybe finding that bitch Aiko.[/indent] [color=yellow][b]▼ | PERSONAL ARC : | [/b][/color] [indent]Yoko's arc could involve Aiko and the antics that she's up to at the moment. It could also involve her family as well and her brother in a coma.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=yellow][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"Oh boy, this would be fun if I didn't end up naked every time I use it."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=yellow][b]▼ | POWER CLASSIFICATION : | [/b][/color] [indent]Chromatic (Yellow & Red)[/indent] [color=yellow][b]▼ | POWER DESCRIPTION : | [/b][/color] [i]Wyvern-Transformation.[/i] [indent]Yoko was exposed to both the type-yellow and type-red energies and she is thus a chromatic-type Metahuman. She is, primarily a type-yellow with her ability allowing her to transform into a completely different form. Yoko doesn't have control over this ability, but when her emotions are elevated, or sometimes at complete random, she will trigger a transformation into a powerful two-winged, two-legged dragon-like creature. This isn't an instant transformation, it's a gradual transformation that means that she'll change over time. She'll start a wyvern no bigger than herself and she could get enormous, the largest size that Yoko has reached was the body of a minivan and wings that are thirty-feet long. This means that the longer that Yoko is transformed, the more powerful that she'll become. Her skin will be covered in durable scales that make it tough for blades to slice her and can only be impaled with significant force, and her bones will become a lot more durable. Naturally, Yoko will be capable of flight the second that she develops wings with massively strong wings, and the rest of her body will be incredibly strong being able to toss people around with ease with raw bestial strength. Yoko will get the ability of a super sense of smell... like a snake she can taste the air for scents and use that to track her targets. Her hearing will also increase to the point where she can hear a needle drop. Yoko will be one powerhouse on the battlefield if she gets to that point.[/indent] [i]Minor-Pyrokinesis.[/i] [indent]If I were to divide Yoko's power into percentages, her wyvern ability is 85% of her ability, with pyrokinesis being the remaining 15%. Yoko, even in human form, is capable of producing flames, though while human her flames are incredibly weak being able to create a baseball-sized fireball at most. However when Yoko transforms her ability to produce flames scales with her wyvern form (and it changes to mere firebreathing). She'll be able to fire a jet of flames like a flamethrower and be able to shoot massive fireballs that'll scorch people on contact. Her body, in wyvern form, is a lot more resistant to fire than her human form.[/indent] [color=yellow][b]▼ | WEAKNESSES : | [/b][/color] [indent]As stated before it's not exactly an ability that Yoko has control over. When she gets a bit too stressed or emotional, she'll trigger a transformation. This can be inconvenient depending on what she's doing and she could transform into her wyvern form at an inconvenient time. Now, as for the transformation itself: [i]it ain't a pleasant one[/i]. To put it bluntly: It fucking hurts. Imagine some external force forcing your skeleton to adjust to that of a dragon? It'll sting like a bitch and Yoko will be bleeding a ton. Now as for the Wyvern form itself, it starts weak but gets stronger and it'd probably be easier to just kill Yoko when she first transforms because she'll be weakened. As it gets bigger she well; gets bigger. She becomes a bigger and harder target to shoot along with her speed going down. Along with the fact that her mental processes will slow down and become more bestial. She'll go off instinct and less of sense the further into the transformation she is and will have a harder time controlling herself. If her transformation is emotional enough; then she'll end up being a mindless beast. Now, in her wyvern form, she'll reach a point where she's more or less immune to fire. Only in her wyvern form, however. In her human form, she's still vulnerable to it like everyone else and will try not to use her pyrokinesis. In her wyvern form, her vision will gradually decrease the stronger she gets until she has no choice but to rely on her hearing and sense of smell. Unfortunately, that can play against her with extreme sensory attacks. If she's incapacitated or she calms down she'll revert to human form, unconscious. And naked. That'd suck too.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=yellow][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"Aiko, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm going to get you for this."[/i][/center] [indent][/indent][/hider] [hider= Jack E. Stauber][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K45bfyn.png[/img][hr] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/cbef552d-a151-4a13-8295-5d22cc2d01f3/d46q0sa-9272082d-d15f-457d-92fc-1caeaf1267fd.jpg/v1/fill/w_730,h_1095,q_70,strp/light_up_by_mirkostoedter_d46q0sa-pre.jpg[/img] [hr] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5Bt1E963lg[/youtube] [color=deepskyblue][h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"You're definitely getting the wrong idea; I'm just biding my time and I'm out. There's somewhere that's calling for me, and it sure as hell ain't here."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=deepskyblue]▼ [b]| BIRTH NAME : | [/b][/color] [indent][i]Jack Ethan Stauber.[/i][/indent] [color=deepskyblue]▼ [b]| ALSO KNOWN AS: |[/b][/color] [indent][i]Neutron[/i][/indent] [color=deepskyblue]▼ [b]| GENDER : | [/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=deepskyblue]▼ [b]| AGE : |[/b] [/color] [indent]27[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=deepskyblue][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"Tell you what; if you get me a cigarette I'll tell you [b]everything[/b] you want to hear."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=deepskyblue]▼ [b]| P H Y S I C AL S T A T S : |[/b] [/color] [indent][indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▸ HEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 170 [color=deepskyblue][b]▸ WEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 5'8ft [color=deepskyblue][b]▸ ETHNICITY : |[/b][/color] A mishmash of every part of Europe. [color=deepskyblue][b]▸ HAIR COLOR : |[/b][/color] Brown [color=deepskyblue][b]▸ EYE COLOR : |[/b][/color] Green [/indent][/indent] [color=deepskyblue]▼ [b]| PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : |[/b] [/color] [indent]Jack thinks of himself as a smooth pretty boy, and he acts like it, too. Usually, he has a coy smile on his face as he projects confidence with every step. Though, he usually keeps a cool and casual demeanor around himself that he always constantly contradicts by acting loud, excitable, and flippant. Jack is concerned with keeping up appearances and the one image that he wants to project is the "edgy guy" aura. Jack Stauber takes a lot of pride in his appearance and would have a fit if there was [i]one[/i] scuff-mark on his outfit. Which is why you'd probably see him brushing off his outfit (or carrying alcohol wipes to clean off stains on his outfit). So, Jack builds wise is a pretty skinny kid, mildly athletic and has somewhat toned legs and arms from all the exercise he inadvertently ends up getting from his "extracurricular activities". Jack isn't exactly super tall, in fact, he's under the male average by about two inches, not that most people would notice it unless they compared him to somebody taller. Jack's a mess of different kinds of European countries, his father said that he came from a line of Irish immigrants and mixed from there, and his mother came from Ukraine. Jack doesn't think too hard about it and just says that he's white. He's got relatively healthy skin, just that it's covered in a variety of scars from his old criminal days. From scars, he got from his gadgets literally exploding in his hands, to scars from misjudging a jump and falling. He has green eyes and not so striking brown hair he keeps combed upwards but wild looking.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=deepskyblue][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"I'm not going to end up the sore one here, at least not again."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▼ | PERSONALITY : | [/b][/color] [indent]Jack is definitely a contentious one. He's not exactly an easy person to get along with and that's just by his nature. He's cocky, takes nothing seriously, always has something to say, and is sarcastic as all hell. After one conversation with the sleaze most people want to punch him in the face - but a lot of people end up going through it with it and punching his teeth out. Jack Stauber is defined by his inability to take anything seriously and even though he's in the middle of the worst disaster in the world; he sees it as a means to an end. He wants revenge against his old boss and working with a bunch of chicks is "means to an end" those are means he digs. Jack is definitely a lady's man and he loves to hang around with and flirt with women - but it's all superficial. Jack isn't the type that likes long walks on the beach and wants a marriage - no he just wants to bury his bone and move onto the next one. If a girl doesn't return his feelings and drops their panties then they're no good to him. Jack Stauber is very easily impressed and also likes to show off... but what a lot of people find weird is that he's a huge neat freak. [i]Everything[/i] in his workshop has to be neat and proper or he'll freak and if someone messes him up he'll flip. Though, deep down, Jack is [i]really[/i] fucking pissed off because his old crew betrayed himf.[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▼ | SKILLS : | [/b][/color] [indent][indent][color=deepskyblue][b]Criminal Knowledge ⫻[/b][/color] Whether or not FAMA likes it, Jack is a crook. He's been initiated into a criminal organization and he knows a lot of different things. From being sneaky, knowing how to pick locks, being agile enough to climb a fence [i]with[/i] a heavy weight on his back, and most of all he has a very keen instinct. These skills bleed into how Jack thinks and interacts with other people regardless of whether or not he's aware of it. [color=deepskyblue][b]Aim ⫻[/b][/color] Given that Jack's power allows him to create a variety of different guns, he needs to know how to shoot straight to make good of any of it. After hours of practice and whatnot, he learned to actually shoot straight and can actually shoot pretty well. He's no army sniper... more of a redneck that shoots a lot of cans. [color=deepskyblue][b]Improvisation ⫻[/b][/color] While things like "long-term planning" go completely over his head, Jack fond of winging it. He's great at coming up with things on the fly. [/indent][/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▼ | BACK STORY : | [/b][/color] [indent]Jack was born in Tampa Florida lived in the poorer neighborhoods and since their father's job was annihilated by a Delta-Human the best he could end up with was a warehouse somewhere. They lived in a trailer park and that wasn't the least comfortable place to live in, and a lot of the time was spent with his parents arguing. To pass the time, Jack found his grandfather's old guitar and learned how to use it. It was crucial in drowning out the [i]infuriating[/i] sounds of his parents constantly fighting. However, things took a turn that Jack wasn't expecting when his father was killed in a robbery gone wrong. The family was shocked and did everything they could to cope with the situation. His mother fell into a pit of depression and became a heavy drinker, while the rest of the siblings fell to their vices. Jack, on the other hand, was exposed to the Delta-Point energy (Specifically Blue and Green energies) and the sheer grief of his father's death forced his power to develop and spontaneously manifest. He didn't notice that he had power at first, but he started getting these "ideas" in his head about stuff he can build. He ignored it, but then he experimented, he didn't know how he got this knowledge but he built the simplest invention that came to mind: a lamp. It didn't work at first before he had to charge it with his Metahuman energy and then it functioned. Jack realized the possibilities were endless. However, with the death of his father, that meant the breadwinner was gone, and since mommy was an alcoholic she was spending what little money they had. So that meant it came down to the rest of the Stauber siblings to keep a roof over their head... while also trying to stay in school and commit to other endeavors. Jack himself contributed, but the best he could accomplish was getting a part-time job at a local fast-food restaurant. He did a bit of everything; cooking, cashiering, cleaning, and felt like he could become a manager. However, it just wasn't enough money, from a mixture of [i]very[/i] shitty pay and a lack of hours he could only kind of contribution. The rest of his siblings weren't doing any better (some were doing worse) and they were only able to keep their house because Jack took drastic measures. He started creating trinkets and tools and began to sell them to gangs, the highest bidder, and managed to get a bit of money. However due to how they were inherently designed they were worthless to the average person. All it ended up doing was putting a target on his back as many gangs wanted their money back. ... So Jack went to even more drastic measures. After months of planning and creating tools out of whatever he could, he made a disguise for himself and robbed his own job. After all, he knows a lot about the place and it'd be the easiest to rob. He came out of the ordeal with a few hundred dollars which were a boon that the Stauber household desperately needed - and best of all, he could pay back some of the gangs. However, they needed more money and the gangs wanted their money, so Jack kind of made a habit out of the endeavor. At night, he put on the costume and would go around robbing businesses from convenience stores to restaurants, he even engaged in a little bit of house invasion. As he stopped going to school, he put hundreds, if not [i]thousands[/i] of dollars towards the family's bills - they stopped wondering where he was getting all this money from after a while. The money started piling up and Jack managed to pay off the gangs, so that kept them off his back. He, however, realized that he would have to go even bigger if he was going to keep the money flowing for his family. There were only so many times he could rob the same two places before they caught on, and they would have even less to steal the second time. He had more money to buy gadgets, so he could afford it. He started stealing from bigger businesses, and he wasn't going for money anymore. Oh no, Jack was going for whatever he could sell on the streets because in his eyes it was still money. The many police organizations in the city were starting to catch on, and eventually, they laid out a trap for Jack that he walked right into. He was surrounded by police officers, caught and went peacefully. He was shoved into the back of a police cruiser and it drove off, and he realized that it was the end for him... before the "police officer" that was driving transformed into a woman that smiled at him, telling him words that stuck with him to this very day: [i]"You're a smart cookie, kid, but you should have stayed in the kiddie pool."[/i] The woman introduced herself as Megan Jervious, and said that she was following Jack, hoping that she would get to him before the police would. They beat her to the punch but she pulled the rug from under them. They abandoned the police cruiser and then she introduced them to a group of Deltahuman thieves that she was assembling, and wanted Jack in their ranks. He didn't know what to think, but she promised him money, gear, and more if she joined him... and just to sweeten the deal she gave him a huge sum of money right up front. That was all Jack needed to join them. They didn't even have a name, as Megan wasn't fond of such names so they simply referred to themselves as "The Group". However what she was fond of was covering her tracks, and thus she advised that they keep their distance from each other and strictly know each other by codenames. Jack himself settled on Neutron after Megan telling him that Jimmy Neutron going to fly. They had no headquarters, and where ever there was a mission they would just meet up somewhere - organized by Megan via text message. At first, he thought that it'd be difficult being on a team with technopaths, but their powers worked well together, Jack and Gear made many amazing tools. The Group was responsible for a lot of different heists from robbing gangs, stealing from shipping boats to even robbing banks. Long as Jack got a cut, he was down for it. He helped whenever necessary, but they largely kept him out of the way reasoning that he was too young and impulsive to play with the big boys. His devices were instrumental to half of these heists going well, but he also played a part when they didn't. Over time, Jack noticed that they were going after specific groups - mainly businesses and groups under the ISD. It wasn't something he thought too hard about, he just wanted the money as he was finally able to leave his shitty day job behind and kept a roof over his family's head. Over time he was able to accumulate a huge selection of gadgets as he built them with what little free time and money that he had available and it shows. The Group was known for their speed; they went in from places nobody expects, his them hard and vanishes without a trace while everyone figured out just what in the hell happened. However, after one mission he was approached by a member of the group named Flashbang who formally introduced herself to him by finally taking off her mask;a teenaged girl around Jack's age. She told him her name was Emily G. Reed, a girl that had a bone to pick with a lot of people. Jack feeling confident, revealed himself as well, and the two started talking about a lot of different things. About their past, their goals, and most importantly of all; who's going to come out on top and who's going to be the sore one. Emily told Jack that Megan was hiding something and there was something bigger going on here than just stealing stuff, Jack agreed. After all, she was having the group steal confidential research and evidence of under the table dealing - he felt like she knew something that she wasn't sharing with the group. Because of this mutual suspicion, they both chose to do some "side-jobs" independent of the group. She heard of a deal between some gang and somebody else that was selling one of the last few Delta-Crystals out there. They both, naturally, crashed it and managed to cause a huge ruckus and snatch the crystals from underneath everyone's noses. Emily and Jack were torn on what to actually do with them - as the crystal painted such a target on their back than trying to sell it would have been completely suicidal. Jack wanted to split the crystals against Emily's wishes, eventually, they conceded and then Jack left with half the crystal. Now, this crystal was the thing that Jack really needed to make his inventions great. He broke the crystal into pieces and then used those shards to fuel his inventions before he came up with his magnum opus: TBFLG (The Big [i][b]Fucking[/b][/i] Laser Gun). This was something that he showed off during an overnight bank heist - powered by the crystal the beam completely annihilated the vault door... and everything inside of it. Megan was furious at Jack but the spectacle of the vault being destroyed more than made up for all the money they lost. She was also curious as to how the kid got his hands on a Delta-Crystal and was even angrier for them getting one and not telling her. It was no skin off his back, he went home that night and took a rest; he figured that he would take the day off and save up his energy for the next mission. FAMA raided the house in the middle of the night and then they attacked him with such speed and precision that by the time he awoke he was cuffed, collared, and thrown into a van. He was taken to FAMA headquarters where they explained that they had received an "anonymous tip" and followed through on it (which Jack thought was total bullshit). They confiscated his gadgets, his phone, his gear... but they didn't find a Delta Crystal, which he thought was impossible because if they got his gear, then they got at the crystal. Above all else the feds wanted to know who was organizing The Group, so he told them what they wanted to hear; it was Megan Jervious organizing them and he had no idea who the others were - they thought that was total bullshit because Megan Jervious doesn't exist. While being transported to a prison for Deltahumans in southern California shit hit the fan and Jack was one of the few people that managed to escape. Now he got himself a change of clothes and decided that... he was gonna have some fun here in LA. [/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▼ | PERSONAL ARC : | [/b][/color] [indent]Jack definitely has some unfinished business with The Group. He has a high suspicion that they sold him out and it's hard to blame him. If any member of The Group moves into town; well, he'd shove his laser rifle directly up their ass. Either he'd take it up with Megan or Emily G. Reed, but the past always has a habit of catching up with him. However his old boss knows some stuff.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=deepskyblue][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"I just need a new jetpack."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▼ | POWER CLASSIFICATION : | [/b][/color] [indent]Type Green.[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▼ | POWER DESCRIPTION : | [/b][/color] [i]Delta-Based Technological Constructs.[/i] [indent]Upon manifesting Jack gained the ability to create incredible technology that uses the Delta-Pont energy (and crystals) as fuel. This is difficult to explain as he just has the ability to create pieces of technology well beyond his educational or knowledge would allow. He's honestly confused as to how to make this crap, he just knows! After seeing other Metahumans in action he just gets "ideas" in his head, and he replicates it to the best of his ability. These devices are limited to energy-based constructions along the lines of said laser guns, force-fields, jet-packs, etc - however, his specialty dictates that it has to be powered by the Delta-Point energy. He usually uses his own Delta-Point energy as he specifically designs his gadgets to absorb the Delta-Energy of whoever is holding it. However, if he gets his hand on a Delta-Crystal the device would functionally be overclocked with so much power that it may explode. He'd have to specially design a device to use the Delta-Crystals. He can repurpose seemingly any other piece of technology and repurpose it in this manner and create tools to protect himself and his allies. He usually sticks with the good old laser gun, because you can't go wrong with lasers! He's not sure what's the limit on stuff he can create - though he seemingly gets ideas from observing other Deltahumans, and he can't explain it but calls this effect "inspiration". As a majority of his laser weaponry was gotten from observing a friend of his in The Group. Other Deltahumans can donate a bit of their energy to fuel his devices if they choose to. [hider=Jack's gadgets][indent][indent] Upon getting arrested by FAMA a majority of his tools were confiscated (and used as evidence against him), so most of his powerful weaponry is sitting in a locker in Florida. However, he made new stuff [indent]■ [i]Laser Rifle.[/i] [indent]Called "Ol' Reliable" by Jack, it's easily his staple weaponry. It's a laser rifle that's around the length of an assault rifle and is constructed out of a microwave, a car, and a PlayStation. It fires high-heat laser beams that incinerate anything it comes in contact with if he wants to and the weapon is fully automatic like an assault rifle. He can choose wether it shoots a solid concussive round or a hot one. It can fire for a minute straight before overheating, and since it uses Jack's Delta-Energy there's no need to reload. He can with the turn of a dial adjust the intensity of the rifle (aka. how hard it hits) and change from hurting feeling like a pinch to a paintball gun to getting hit by a baseball full force. From a light burn to needing some serious medical attention.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ [i]The Shield.[/i] [indent]The second most important tool in Jack's arsenal (and the one thing that they didn't make him change). It's a device that runs up the majority of his right arm - and at will, he can charge it with his Delta-Point energy and create a large rectangle barrier that covers him. This barrier has helped him survive situations that he normally wouldn't have. Jack states that it can take quite a bit of gunfire or about one punch from a super-strong Deltahuman before going down.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ [i]Force-Field Grenades.[/i] [indent]Back in his old days in The Group, there were plenty of situations where he needed to protect allies, but he either wasn't there or couldn't there. A lightbulb went off in his head and he created a series of orbs that he charges with his Delta-Point energy and deploys into a barrier that lasts a short time before disappearing. He doesn't recall how strong they are off the top of his head, but he remembers one taking a couple of shots from pistols and another... slowing down a rampaging Type-Yellow for about two seconds.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ [i]Jet Boots.[/i] [indent]There's one thing that Jack fucking loves; it's his jet boots. He puts these suckers on and he can fly like Starlord! They're boots that shoot fire to the point where he can fly in the air, and he has devised a way to activate them without clasping down and pressing the buttons.[/indent][/indent] [/indent][/indent][/hider] [/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▼ | LIMITS : | [/b][/color] [indent]Jack is limited to technology powered by the Delta-Point energy, and if a design isn't powered by it then it simply will not work. This may not seem like a huge limit but it largely limits him to electronics or energy-based devices. Now, Jack's ability could be amazingly versatile and probably could be the strongest among all the Deltahuman. However, it's limited [i]hard[/i] by a variety of different factors. For starters, he needs time and resources to build his devices and that makes it impossible for him to even create things on the fly. Thus, he needs to prepare... which could go wrong as he has a habit of horribly misinterpreting situations. In order to make the really advanced gadgets he's going to need high-end stuff and after the Incident that shit's hard to come by. Jack's power needs fuel of course, and that comes from himself a majority of the time since he doesn't have anymore Delta Crystals. His body only has a limited amount of Delta-Point energy that he can use up before it's empty and he has to wait to replenish it. It should be fine if his power usage is kept limited, but if he goes further beyond that he's going to be in trouble. The mere act of draining his Deltapoint energy drains his stamina so he'll eventually be wearing down.[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]▼ | WEAKNESSES : | [/b][/color] [indent]Using his gadgets offensive is a double-edged sword. On one hand, he'll cause damage but on the other hand the Delta-Point energy will (if they're a Metahuman) boost the power of the opponent. So the longer the fight goes on, the most powerful his foe will get, and they'll have a lower chance of ashing. Jack's technological feats aren't exactly expertly put together - they're put together on the fly with what he has on hand. Which means they aren't exactly the most durable in the world, in fact even regular people could probably easily break them. Or if they don't break by themselves - his gadgets are [i]very[/i] prone to overheating and then they'll probably end up inoperable over time. Or they'll explode in his hands, which sometimes happens. In addition, he's extra-prone to ashing if he draws on Delta-Energy faster than it can be replenished.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=deepskyblue][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"Hey, sometimes you just get roped into a supervillain group and steal stuff. Shit happens, shit could happen to anybody."[/i][/center] [indent][/indent][/hider] [hider=Nakala I. Phillips][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sv1nD6X.png[/img][hr] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4d1af2e2-43ec-402d-ae78-52f3b449bc34/d8wpy0u-c3e426b7-e113-4991-8bb8-0d6d54aa5028.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzRkMWFmMmUyLTQzZWMtNDAyZC1hZTc4LTUyZjNiNDQ5YmMzNFwvZDh3cHkwdS1jM2U0MjZiNy1lMTEzLTQ5OTEtOGJiOC0wZDZkNTRhYTUwMjguanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0._2KTWiPeg_LqHZil6lS0A2-b95YFOOejrCwL8vNnd8Y[/img] [hr] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grUWRMivuao[/youtube] [color=forestgreen][h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"You think you got it hard? Well, hate to break it to you, sis, but so does everyone."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=forestgreen]▼ [b]| BIRTH NAME : | [/b][/color] [indent]Nakala Isabelle Phillips[/indent] [color=forestgreen]▼ [b]| ALSO KNOWN AS: |[/b][/color] [indent][i]Dancer[/i] (Her FAMA codename)[/indent] [color=forestgreen]▼ [b]| GENDER : | [/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=forestgreen]▼ [b]| AGE : |[/b][/color] [indent]31[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=forestgreen][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"I turn heads."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=forestgreen]▼ [b]| P H Y S I C AL S T A T S : |[/b][/color] [indent][indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▸ HEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 6'3ft [color=forestgreen][b]▸ WEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 162 [color=forestgreen][b]▸ ETHNICITY : |[/b][/color] African-American [color=forestgreen][b]▸ HAIR COLOR : |[/b][/color] Black [color=forestgreen][b]▸ EYE COLOR : |[/b][/color] Brown [/indent][/indent] [color=forestgreen]▼ [b]| PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : |[/b] [/color] [indent]Nakala, as much as she hates the concept, usually draws attention to herself the very minute she walks into a room for a variety of reasons. For starters, the fact that she's tall. She has inherited her height from her mother - along with a variety of other things. She stands tall even above the boys at six-three and even has a deeper than average voice. Along with the fact that she's a bit more muscular than average, she can be quite intimidating. The girl carries herself with weight and confidence and makes every action of her matter. What sucks for her is that she's nowhere near as feminine as she wishes she was. However the girl is curvy, and she still hits the gym and her time in the dance studio has done wonders for her. Usually, she has her hand on her hips or her waist as she walks. The girl is African-American and proud of it, she has extremely dark skin, thick lips, and afro-textured hair that she keeps in braids.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=forestgreen][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"Come on, I'd rather hear about your problems than hear about your death."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▼ | PERSONALITY : | [/b][/color] [indent]Nakala is a very strong-willed and determined human being. She takes a lot after her mother and the way that she was raised, and she was raised to be a strong woman, full of spirit that takes nothing from nothing. However, one difference that she has from her mother is that she has far better social skills, and is not ridiculously prideful as she was. Nakala herself is a very caring and loving human being who sometimes lets her pride cloud her judgment at times. Nakala herself only focuses on what's in front of her and hardly has time for distractions. She's less concerned with putting on fronts as she is with her immediate friend group and advancing herself. So rarely you'll see Nakala drawing unnecessary attention to herself or dressing flashy. However that isn't to say the girl is completely anti-social, she's perfectly fine talking to people. However, Nakala is extremely impatient and at times and that leads to her saying and doing things that alienate herself from friends or something rash. [/indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▼ | SKILLS : | [/b][/color] [indent][indent] [color=forestgreen][b]Dancing ⫻[/b][/color] One thing Nakala has had a talent in is dancing. Since she was young she always took dance lessons that have evolved into being the assistant instructor for a dance studio and competing against other schools. She aspires to be in music videos and do it professionally. [color=forestgreen][b]Mechanic ⫻[/b][/color] Nakala's father was an auto mechanic, not the best job but it was something. However, the girl picked up a lot from her father because of her interest in it and also works part-time there now and then. She knows how to fix most cars better than men! All the looks she has received were hilarious when upstages the men! [color=forestgreen][b]FAMA Agent ⫻[/b][/color] Nakala is a former FAMA agent and while she's out all that training and knowledge is still fresh on her mind. She knows a lot about Deltahumans and how they function, hand to hand combat, and marksmanship. Most of all, she knows how to take on many different types of Deltahumans. [/indent][/indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▼ | BACK STORY : | [/b][/color] [indent]Nakala's mother was quite interesting, her name was Michelle Gallus and she was a Floridian woman born in Tampa that, after manifesting at a young age drifted into the woods. After a few weeks, she was picked up by a traveling circus which she lived with for a while until she eventually joined FAMA in its prime. She took the callsign, Scary Monster, and preformed numerous raids against the likes of REAPER and other Deltahuman threats. On the side, she met a man named Bryan Phillips and the two eloped, got married and soon enough Nakala was born. Bryan wasn't anything impressive, he owned an auto-garage, while Michelle worked as pretty much the primary breadwinner. There a slight bit of tension between the two because Michelle was more or less making way more than Bryan. Well, Nakala was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennslyvania. She wasn't the overtly social kind of gal at first, she kept to herself growing up. Her mother taught her how to be independent of a young age, and taught her how dangerous the world was and how tough she had to be. She taught her skills she needed to be self-sufficient, including socially. Often the girl was responsible for getting herself to and from school and staying home by herself until one of the Phillips got one. However, she had one friend that she stuck through from kindergarten onwards; Olivia Clarke. This girl was her best friend and the two had more experiences together than anyone else because the two were inseparable. Nakala, throughout school, made friends with many people from all over. This was enough for Nakala, personally, but she found herself making more friends incidentally by taking up her interest in dancing. It, at first, was an after school thing eventually it evolved into a passion. She became so skilled at dancing throughout her younger years that it became a competitive thing for her - even going to different cities for the weekend just to compete! Soon enough, Olivia manifested a type-blue power. It was the ability that gave her instinctive knowledge of biology that puts her above even the top minds in the field. The girl went insane with power as she created a new life, made cures for diseases, and other such things. Nakala thought that she should slow down... but then Olivia made her imp Things changed for Nakala when REAPER attempted to kidnap the president and all hell broke loose and Michelle was sent there for backup. It was a nasty stressful time for the Phillips family as Bryan wanted Michelle to come back before she gets killed or something. They lost contact with Michelle and they assumed the worse... until it all blew over and it was revealed that Michelle survived. Except for the fact that she had lost her arm, and the insane amounts of PTSD she had from the incident. All the rampant violence and murder that took place took a toll on Michelle and she became an alcoholic wreck. That hurt the Phillips family in more ways than one given their primary breadwinner was taken out of the picture. She got a huge check for losing her arm, but it wasn't long before the money was starting to dry up and Nakala had to take up odd jobs to help support the family. She had less time to hang out with her friends and live her passion but she managed to get a job at the dance studio. It was a small job as an "assistant instructor", which was the owner of the studio throwing her a bone. Then the punches kept coming as Nakala eventually lost her closest friend, her emotional support. Nakala cleared her schedule and they went to a house party and Olivia went missing. At first, Nakala thought she went home, but eventually, she wasn't home and everyone was getting suspicious. Nobody knew where she was and there were several police reports put out but nobody could track Olivia Clarke. Things felt a little strange to Nakala as Livvy was only separated from her for only a short period and [i]nobody[/i] knew where she was? Well, she launched her investigation into what had happened and it turned up no leads, and it seems the police were content with giving up. After all, Deltahumans disappear all the time? What makes Olivia anymore special than them? Nakala eventually suspected REAPER was involved, but she didn't have a clue about how to go about it. Eventually, Nakala decided to join FAMA, it was hard leaving her dance studio behind but this was what she needed to find her friend. Nakala went through the six-month training program and came out as a special agent - and came out one of the best. For the next few years, Nakala rose through the ranks of FAMA, but she didn't give up on Olivia Clarke. No matter how many clearances she got she couldn't find. Eventually, while following reports of some Deltahuman kids causing trouble in Virginia... she found out that one of them had a red delta-crystal. Apparently one of them found the tiny crystal and used it to give their friends powers. It gave her an idea. A stupid idea but one she was going to go through with nonetheless. She cut the kids a deal; if they give her the crystal, they get registered and she'll leave out all the crime they committed. That was when she went through with her plan. She scoured the dark web for information, she eventually found someone who'd get her in contact with REAPER, and arranged a meeting. She arranged for it to go down in the dead of the night - it was tense, but she showed up nonetheless. Nakala met with a REAPER agent who introduced herself as Davis... then he came. [i]Abel.[/i] She was terrified of the tyrant, being REAPER's boogyman and the one responsible for the bloodshed that scarred her mother. However, she tried to stay strong and stand her ground. They had known who Nakala was and was expecting a trap but she stood strong and demanded to know information on Olivia Clarke. The information they insisted they didn't have, she tried to press them on it but Abel simply demanded the crystal. Against all logic Nakala refused and Abel moved to take it from her and her power manifested at that exact moment. Sparks of green lightning hit Abel and covered him in plants which... did nothing to stop him as he simply tore out of it. However... another FAMA agent, named Maximilian Cornell, had his eye on her and launched a surprise attack against his arch-nemesis. They forced Abel to retreat but after he was gone Maximilian slapped cuffs on Nakala. They took her into the interrogation room and he personally interrogated her. That was when she broke down into tears and told him everything. She knew it was over for her - it was going to be a life of crime. However, Maximilian, out of the kindness of his heart apparently, decided to keep it off the books. Nakala knew it was only because he was close friends with her mother. However, he had one stipulation: Nakala resigns immediately or he'll tell them everything. Forced with no other option, Nakala packed up her office and resigned. To clear her head, she visited some friends in LA to talk about what happened... then the incident happened. Fortunately, Nakala was able to save herself. Unfortunately, she's trapped in LA.[/indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▼ | PERSONAL ARC : | [/b][/color] [indent]Nakala really wants to find her friend Livvy... and maybe she'd find the clue that she's looking for here in LA. Then she also has unfinished business with REAPER and Abel.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=forestgreen][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"I wish had something that'd let me find Livvy."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▼ | POWER CLASSIFICATION : | [/b][/color] [indent]Type-Red[/indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▼ | POWER DESCRIPTION : | [/b][/color] [i]Botanical-Lightning[/i] [indent]Nakala has a strange power that seems to be a mixture of plant manipulation and electrical manipulation. She can produce dark-green electricity like energy that looks and moves much like actual electricity but does not shock or burn on contact. It travels the speed of lightning and will more or less instantly reach its destination, but does not conduct whatsoever. What it does instead produces plant life when it comes in contact with any unplanted surface and causes an explosion of random plant life (From fruit-producing plants to bushes) that'll continuously grow as long as Nakala keeps pumping energy into it. She can also produce a continuous stream of electricity and can also charge up for a massive thunder-bolt that'll cause a huge explosion of plant-life if it comes in contact with a surface. If it comes in contact with existing plant matter, however, it'll cause explosive growth of that plant and only that plant. She can make a tree grow dozens of branches in a few moments and cause the grass to be obscuring. If the lightning strikes a seed it'll cause it to suddenly sprout and grow. Naturally, she can influence the direction it grows and in addition, she has a more traditional elemental ability to manipulate plants. This power doesn't have too many direct uses, but she can produce plenty of this botanical-lightning and can drastically change the environment of an area given time. She can turn an area into a raging jungle if she has time, and this will allow her to produce barriers, bridges, and perhaps even food. If the lightning strikes a person it won't cause any damage to them other than causing plant growth on their being that can probably easily be torn off. The ability has a side-effect of putting insane amounts of oxygen into the air just by creating the lightning. Nakala has a secondary ability to support her primary, and it's a more direct plant manipulation. Nakala is unaware of the fact yet but she subconsciously produces small amounts of the energy where ever she goes and that gives her a connection to all plant life in the area. This means she can sense plants and communicate with them subconsciously... of course, plants can't talk, but she can detect their health state. [/indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▼ | LIMITS : | [/b][/color] [indent]Nakala can create as much energy as her stamina allows her. Besides, it has a range of around eight meters and going past that range will cause it to immediately disperse. However, her power has two catches to function at its maximum; sunshine and environment. Nakala needs the sun to be touching her skin or else the plant growth will be stunted, which cuts her effectiveness in half indoors or at night. Also, she has trouble producing plant life on artificial surfaces such as concrete and metal.[/indent] [color=forestgreen][b]▼ | WEAKNESSES : | [/b][/color] [indent]First things first, the plants are weak against anything that'd normally damage plants such as ice, fire, toxins, etc, etc. The primary weakness of the power comes from the oxygen-producing quality, it fills the air with so much oxygen that even a slight spark can cause a huge flame. A huge flame that'd most likely set Nakala on fire because she's in the center of it. The other problem is that excessive amounts of oxygen is toxic and will cause nausea at best.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=forestgreen][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"I want to know how I can make a difference, how to make people take me seriously."[/i][/center] [indent][/indent][/hider]