"Oh, just a weary traveler," the white-haired woman replied, following them into the house as requested. "My name is Mira. I met our prince here on the road, and seeing as I haven't really spoken to anyone if a couple of weeks I thought I might strike up some conversation. Then we stumbled upon your [i]lovely[/i] home, and you know the rest. And something hot to drink would be lovely." Alastor raised an eyebrow at the woman, who was now dabbing her neck with the towel, a dubious expression overtaking his features. He wasn't exactly certain how truthful she was being as to the coincidental nature of their meeting. However, she hadn't done anything to make him think she was malicious or aggressive as of yet, so for the time being he would endure her company as long as the Khrysopos did. She was awfully casual about the whole situation, meanwhile he dumbfounded and blubbering like an idiot because of the creature in front of him. One moment he was looking for shelter, and the next he was being ushered into the home of the very being he'd been searching so fervently for, and now she seemed to know exactly why he was there- though that last bit probably shouldn't have surprised him. Al did his best to cover up the [s]panic[/s] shock. "Thank you very much for your kindness," He said, taking the towel gratefully and starting to dry himself off a bit. "I'm sorry to have dropped in on you so suddenly. I'm sure having visitors must be alarming, and I wish I could say that I just wanted to come by and have a simple chat. But you probably already have some idea of why I've come to you." "I hate to ask for more hospitality, but could we possibly move this conversation closer to a fireplace?" Mira asked. "I'm sure the prince is just as chilled as I am." "I'm sure you're very concerned for my health."