Slade was dressed in much more normal clothes today, a pair of jeans and a light gray button up. His skill when it came to cooking wasn’t back, but it had never progressed past what could be considered basic. He hadn’t had much need to really polish up this particular skill either, today was different however, as now he had little Jin to take care of. And it seemed that simply thinking about the girl was capable of summoning her, and he had to give her credit she was exceptionally quiet and he wondered if she had simply picked t up from her mom, or if there was some amount of training there. “Good morning Jinyah” He would say simply “And what you do from here is a bit dependent on you. There are a lot of legal things that need to be taken care of, on my end before you can be considered my ward.” He would explain as he plated breakfast and brought it over the dining table. “But I could sign you up for school, never a bad option.” He would head back into the kitchen to grab a couple of glasses and the milk “I could teach you how to defend yourself, so that you’d never need to fear anyone coming after you again, which also isn’t a bad idea considering you have an ability. AS well as a few other options and ideas I’m sure I could come up with if needed.” He would help Jinny into her seat if she needed it before he also sat down “The most important thing is what it is that you want.” Many would scoff at the prospect of asking a five year old what it was they wanted to do, but after what she had went through Slade doubted that much of a child was still within her. There still would be something’s, but the loss of her parents would have stripped away a lot of the innocence that she had. Thus he felt it was only right that she be given the chance to plot out her own life, at least to some degree at any rate.