[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjg4MjQzMzg4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjc1NjgzMQ@@._V1_.jpg[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location:[/color] Exploding Snap Compartment (Compartment 15) [color=limegreen]Magic:[/color] [hr][hr][/I] [/center] Elizabeth looked towards the shivering mess of a kid on the ground, and gave an annoyed look between Paige and Fae. She supposed that these two's arguing freaked her out. "[color=limegreen]Maybe we should actually [i]ask[/i] her what she wants.[/color]" Elizabeth said rolling her eyes, and slowly leaned down towards her, still giving her enough space to be comfortable, "[color=limegreen]Hey kid, Everything's gonna be alright, kay? Now, how can we help you accept that?[/color]" Elizabeth had been here before, for as much of a tough girl act she put on, her childhood left her with scars, and she'd had attacks like this before. Something she'd learned from that, is that each time was different and had different needs. She wish'd she'd had somebody who'd ask her about those needs, rather than just assuming them. She did know somethings that might help, but she didn't wanna freak the kid out anymore. Sitting down, crosslegged across from her, she just smiled, and tried to give her the time and space she needed to calm down enough to respond to her. In the meantime, she smiled up at Fae, "[color=limegreen]And fer' the record Paige, Fae and I [i]do[/i] make a rotten duo- have you [i]seen[/i] the things we get up to?[/color]" She understood the apprehension about her house though, since she used to think that way. What she'd come to realize, is that Slytherin didn't defacto mean they were monstrous, but it was the sort of environment where it was very easy to be that way, so she honestly understood why people not in the house would think that of them.