[center][img]https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-eaa3a44a1193b25426288bc65b024cd6.webp[/img][/center] [b][right]Oslo // Midgard[/right][/b] Thor tried to side-step as Bor rushed towards him, the very fabric of Midgard seemed to quake with every step. Mjolnir crackled with energy. The goliath Asgardian God careered into his chest, knocking the wind from his chest. The shockwave sent ripples, shaking nearby windows and buildings. People screamed, the excitement of what was going on now gone. Replaced with fear. Giant hands with a grip as strong as uru grasped Thor's shoulders and slammed him against the ground. A hole in the ground forming below him. Thor groaned to speak through the pain. [color=#a4c2f4]“Grandfather, why do you assault me? Why assault the -ugh-”[/color] Thor slammed into the ground again [color=#a4c2f4]“-the mortals!”[/color] One of Bors's hands clasped around his throat as he was raised into the air. [b][color=#fff2cc]“You think your mortals deserve life?”[/color][/b] Bor raised a mighty fist then punched Thor, he went flying down the street as he tasted blood. [b][color=#fff2cc]“Midgard was meant to be the crown jewel of Yggdrasil. Instead, these mortals have tainted it.”[/color][/b] Bor roared as he leaped into the air, crashing down towards Thor who managed to roll just in time to dodge the blow, Bors fist cracking through the surface of Midgard. He stumbled slightly, however as Thor went to spring back into a standing position he found himself struck by a backhand. Breaking through a nearby well, Mortals who lay cowering in hiding screamed. Desperately trying to clamber over each other to get out. Thor outstretched his hand towards Mjolnir lay forgotten. “[b][color=#fff2cc]The stain of mortality, of free will has infected Yggdrasil boy.”[/color][/b] The voice came before the man. Thunder rolled outside as the rain started to fall. [b][color=#fff2cc]“You’ll learn your lesson, and then I’ll make sure all the nine realms understand that Bor has returned, and they will learn their place.”[/color][/b] The goliath stepped on tables and chairs, they were crushed and fell to pieces under him. [b][color=#fff2cc]“Or I will tear them from Yggdrasil myself.”[/color][/b] Lightning crackled, a thunderous boom unlike any other in recorded history spread throughout the city. Dogs howled, cats shrieked and windows shattered as Thor stood, Mjolnir crashing into his hand. Electricity jumped from the hammer onto nearby surfaces. Bor rushed towards the God of Thunder screaming as he swung the ax in a curve. [color=#a4c2f4]“I say thee [b]NAY![/b]”[/color] The hammer collided with Bors' face, catching him under the chin. There was a crack as all the lightning from the hammer transferred to his grandfather, Bor went crashing through the roof and into the sky. Swinging Mjolnir towards him Thor roared as lightning lashed out from the sky crashing into his grandfather who roared. Thor allowed Mjolnir to cast him into the sky. [b][color=#fff2cc]“So the welp of Odin has teeth after all!”[/color][/b] Bor laughed as he pulled the ax from its holster on his back and threw it straight at Thor. Thor swung Mjolnir to deflect the blow. There was a clang as the two weapons clashed, the ax went careering into the ground, an explosion casting up dust and debris. Hovering above the ground Bor roared as he cast beams of energy lancing towards Thor. Raising Mjolnir in his defense the energy hit it square on. [b][right]Jotunheim // A Hundred Years before the Dawn of Man[/right][/b] As Odin withdrew his staff from the child who stood in his way. Fárbauti swatted the child away with one hand, struggling to stand after. [b][color=#00ffff]“ᚤᛟᚢ ᛁᛗᛈᚢᛞᛖᚾᛏ ᚹᛖᛚᛈ! ᚤᛟᚢ ᛞᛁᛋᚺᛟᚾᛟᚢᚱ ᛗᛖ ᛒᚤ ᛒᛁᚱᛏᚺ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛟᚠ ᚨ ᚹᛟᚱᛏᚺᚤ ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ.” [/color][/b] The Frost Giant King grabbed his sword that had fallen when he had pushed the child away. Rushing at Odin, Odin spun to dodge the blade, spear twirling between his hands and with a spin around his back the tip of Gungnir found itself lodged within the throat of Fárbuati. The King gasped, dropping the sword on the ground. Fárbuati fell to his knees as Odin pulled the tip of the spear from the throat of his foe. The child rushed at Odin, hitting him with fists that would barely move a grain of sand. The God looked down upon him, there was a warrior's spirit within the boy. A note of honor, though the boy was no bigger than an Asgardian Child. Ve approached, sword drawn. Malice was his intent when Odin raised his hand towards his younger brother. [color=#7bcdc8]“ᚾᚨᚤ! ᛈᛖᚱᚺᚨᛈᛋ ᛏᚺᛖᚱᛖ ᛒᛖ ᚢᛋᛖ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚤ ᚤᛖᛏ.” [/color]His brother stopped a look of confusion on his face and yet he nodded. Giving in to the wisdom of his older brother. A lone Asgardian came running into the hall. “ᛋᛁᚱᛖ, ᛏᚺᛖ ᚨᛚᛚ-ᚠᚨᛏᚺᛖᚱ ᚺᚨᛋ ᚠᛟᚢᚾᛞ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚨᛋᚴᛖᛏ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚺᚨᛋ ᚷᛁᚡᛖᚾ ᚲᚺᚨᛋᛖ.” Odin looked between his two brothers. [color=#7bcdc8]“ᚱᛖᛗᚨᛁᚾ ᚺᛖᚱᛖ, ᛏᚨᚴᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚤ ᛒᚨᚲᚴ ᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛁᚠᚱᛟᛋᛏ. ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚨᛋᛋᛁᛋᛏ ᛟᚢᚱ ᚴᛁᚾᚷ.”[/color] The guards' eyes flashed green as Odin ran past. As he left the temple the streets of Jotunheim were different than they had been when he had arrived. The echoes of war still traveled through the city but the dead littered the streets. The Valkyries would be busy today, as would the hounds of Hel. He ran through the streets and out into the wastes. Closing his eyes occasionally, he and his father were bound together by magic unknown to him. Should he ever need too he could always find his father and King. Turning a corner Odin saw his father. Though he appeared as white as snow. The Casket lay before him, with Laufey nowhere to be seen. That was when he noticed his father was indeed frozen. Not only that he appeared to be blown away with the wind. [hider=image] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QSwtOaX.png[/img][/hider] As Bor began to blow away in the wind, calling for help, calling for Odin to gather what sorcerers he could. Carried off into the winds that bordered Jotunheim and passageway to Asgard Odin merely shook his head. [b][color=#7bcdc8]“ᚾᚨᚤ!”[/color][/b] [hider=Translation] *You impudent whelp! You dishonor me by birth and of a worthy death. *Nay, the boy has a spirit. There may be use of him yet. *Sire, the All-Father has found the Casket and has given chase. *Remain here, take the boy back to the Bifrost. I will assist our King. *Nay[/hider] [b][right]Scuttlebutt // Nidavellir[/right][/b] [color=#d9d9d9]“Error. Error. Vocal input not verified-”[/color] Lady Sif shook her head. Could this vessel truly have sentience? If so was this it's way of expressing emotion? Through her time first as a maiden and then a warrior she had seen many sights. Though this had to be the strangest that she could recall, in all her lifetimes. Sif placed her sword back into its scabbard. [color=#674ea7]“Friend Skuttlebutt, do you know what happened here? Who has slain your people?”[/color] There was a loud crashing sound, as the lights turned red and a sound like a wailing animal came through speakers in the ship. [color=#d9d9d9]“Alert five hostiles detected. Activating interior defenses.”[/color] As the screen went black Sif ran towards the console, pressing buttons. [color=#674ea7]“Nay! I am here to help Skuttlebutt! Do not assault me or my companions!” [/color]Wait, had the ship said five hostiles? That meant that there was someone else here, other than Sif and the Warriors Three. She turned around and ran back down the corridors, past the chambers that spat out the cold, and the dead bodies lying among the corridors back to where Volstagg was still attempting to break down the door. He was gearing up for another run at it while panting heavily. Fandral was sitting down bored, while Hogun looked on with the same stoic expression as always. [color=#674ea7]“Halt Volstagg!”[/color] The voluptuous man turned to Sif. [color=#ff9900]“Lady Sif! You have come just in time to witness my triumph.”[/color] Volstagg turned to charge the door again when it opened. He collided straight into the chest of a black armored man. Falling back down on his backside Sif drew her sword, Fandral jumped up and Hogun moved his hand ever so slightly to the handle of his mace. Volstagg pushed himself to his feet. [color=#ff9900]“Hail, be you friend or foe?”[/color] [b][right]Asgard[/right][/b] Lady Freyja walked through the halls of the eternal city. People bowed their heads in respect as she walked past until she entered the healing halls. She was still seething from the dismissal she received from her husband. A marriage that had outlasted entire civilizations, and for what? To turn bitter and cold towards her. She would tend to the one that had called himself Beta-Ray Bill. If only to discover the threat to Asgard so that she could save her people, and save Thor to return him to Asgard. Perhaps then, finally, Odin would return to the Kind-Hearted man she knew him to be. Entering the room that held the alien he lay down on a bed of what appeared to be solid stone, mystics surrounded him. Hands moving through the air as the soul forge projected the internal image of the alien hovering above him. She eyed it suspiciously. His whole body was not as it should be, he had been modified. His soul taking on a different form than his physical self. Turning to the mystic who ran the forge she indicated the controls. [color=#ff9900]“May I?”[/color] The mystic bowed her head as she pulled back. “M’Lady.” [b][right]Hall of All-Knowing // Omnipotence City[/right][/b] [center][img]https://i2.wp.com/comicbookdebate.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/008-e1525664511242.jpg?resize=682%2C618&ssl=1[/img][/center] In a city older than any other in the Universe Gods met as Pantheons rose and Pantheons fell. A city created by the most ancient gods in all of reality. It was where disputes between the Gods were settled, trials and treaties. Though Loki didn't come to watch it as the Gods fought among themselves, not this time.