[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/MkC2NDh/pandora-header-2.png[/img][/center][hr]Even in the depths of the Abyss there was a natural order of things. A brute will always be a brute, so does a coward, so do a warden, and even the chains that bind them together. If nothing else, these relationships were intensified, made even starker like a contrast of light and shadow, in a realm where built to bring order and contain chaos. The embodiment of such precepts gazed idly as the creatures of darkness moved about. Her eyes looked with compassion to the fleeing wolf but she didn't dare to approach any of the prisoners, especially the oni who chose to chase the beast or plea for more forgiveness. No, instead she walked to the lagoon's edge once more. Pandora stared at the placid water, reflecting inexistent light like a deep black mirror. To any other onlooker, only their own reflections would be there to greet them, but she could see more. Soon enough, the prisoners would find it out. [center]X X X[/center] It wouldn't take long before the prisoners found the location of the werewolves' fort. Truth be told, it was much more like a small keep, carved right into the rocks of the lagoon's upper region's, almost all the way to the Abyss' next level. A timid fortress carved from dark, moisty rock, which would nonetheless be a perfect stage for them to regroup and launch the next steps of their operation. The cave in which the fort was located was as wide and cold as everything leading to here, many ponds—all of which were part of the lagoon's system somehow—dotted the way. Their dark surface was as placid and reflective as that of the lagoon itself, however, any who dared approach them would be met with retribution by the flaying tentacles of their vile and foul guardians. [hr]